wythall radio club

having fun with RF

Scouts on the Air contact Wythall

October 26, 2020 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, News

Wythall Radio Club members have been active contacting Scout groups around the world during JOTA/JOTI (Jamboree on the Air/Internet) 2020.

Les 2E0LRV spoke to Scouts from 2 JOTA stations last week end. 

“On Saturday I spoke to several groups of Scouts in Lillehammer, Norway. Their call was LA2L and was being run by Anders Forgen LA6UIA.

On Sunday I spoke to the Scouts from Crystal Lake Illinois, USA, who were using the call K9AT belonging to David J Holmgren, who sent this link about the event

Both Anders and David have passed on thanks from the Scouts.”

Les made both contacts through Hub Net using a Yeasu FT 8800 feeding a small colinear and back in to an All Star node connected to the wonderweb.

Both scout groups were trying various modes to make contacts and the feedback was that the contacts made using Allstar/Hubnet were by far the most popular and rewarding for the Scouts.

Meantime Tim M6OTN worked EA2KV in Spain on 40meters, leaving another happy group of Scouts!

This continues Wythall Radio Club’s support for Brownies, Beavers, Guides and Scouts – see our earlier posts, for example here.