MB7TW SSTV Repeater ‘on-air’
Wythall Radio Club is pleased to announce its new SSTV repeater is now live on-air.
Operating on 144.500MHz FM, this ‘store and forward’ repeater will give good coverage around the south Birmingham/north Worcestershire area.
Neil G1TZC and Derek G1INC have been working hard in the Club’s shack to get the repeater on air.
It uses a 2 FM meter mobile rig (kindly donated by John G3OIC) running 5 watts to the Club’s collinear mounted above the GB3WL 70cms repeater array on Wythall House chimney.
The system is controlled by a computer in the shack with remote management by repeater keeper Neil G1TZC.
A 1750 hz tone of 1 second is needed to open the repeater. It will respond with a fast morse ident.
Then you have 5 seconds to start uploading your frame.
After the frame is received, the repeater will re-transmit it on the same frequency.
Here are some images from the first days of the repeater’s operation…..