The Magnificent Seven! (updated!)
Exam time again at Wythall Radio Club and tonight it was the turn of the Intermediate Licence students. And our largest ever single class of Foundation licence holders are now all celebrating Intermediate success!
Seven students (pictured) successfully passed their exam with flying colours this evening and now lead instructor Chris G0EYO is looking to headhunt them to step up and have a go at the Advanced course which starts at Wythall in September.
Meantime the members of Wythall Radio Club send their congratulations to Paul, Andy, Tom, Darren, Rob and the 2 Howards.
UPDATE! We hear that Rob is now 2E0MEX, Darren 2E0LPD, Howard H 2E0TBR, Howard K 2E0KWH, Tom 2E0GSW, Andy 2E0VAZ and Paul 2E0ULC – Congratulations on the new callsigns, lads!