wythall radio club

having fun with RF

The Bletchley Park Story

September 21, 2014 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News


Bletchley Park – a place of pilgrimage for Radio enthusiasts?

You could be forgiven for thinking you are reading a different website, but you’re still tuned to Wythall Radio Club! “The Bletchley Park Story” is actually the title of our presentation this week!

On Tuesday (23rd September) we are looking forward to welcoming a very special guest, Ray Goff G4FON. Ray is known to many radio amateurs as the writer & programmer of the G4FON Morse Tutor software for Windows. However many folk are not aware that Ray has an “alter ego”, in that he is a Bletchley Park Volunteer Tour Guide! This makes him the ideal person to visit us to talk about Bletchley Park and its place in radio history.



Ray particularly expressed an interest in talking about this part of his radio life when the invitation to him was first mooted. Since many members of Wythall Radio Club have visited Bletchley Park, we know that his talk will be very popular! As a result, we are expecting a large turnout for this evening, so early arrival is highly advised.

The talk takes place in the Darts Room at Wythall House, Silver Street, Wythall B47 6LZ and starts at 20:30. Visitors are always welcome but be advised that we do have a whip round of 50p each to help pay for the room hire, so make sure you have a few pennies left after you’ve bought your pint from the Wythall House bar!

See you there!