A Visit from the President!

Click the QSL Card twice for a closer look. Funnily enough, next week’s Wythall RC visitor G3XTT is also in the picture – spooky…
Wythall Radio Club members are awaiting a Presidential visit this week. Not Mr Obama or M. Hollande, we should stress, but the President of Region 1 of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU).
Don Beattie G3BJ is that man – but he is also one of the UK’s top DXpeditioners and Contesters in addition to playing a major role in our national society, the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB). We are honoured to have such an esteemed guest visiting us this week.
Don will be giving us an insight to one of the DXpeditions he undertook last year – this as part of the team activating TX6G to Raivavae Island in the Austral Islands group (we don’t know where it is either! Google Maps to the rescue…)
There is no doubt that Don’s talk will be rather special and a highlight of this year’s Wythall RC programme. Since we are likely to be very full on Tuesday, it is worth coming early for a good seat.
The venue is Wythall House, Silver Street, Wythall, B47 6LZ and the presentation starts at 20:30. We hope to see you there.