A Wait for the Eight…

Terry 2E0XTV, Kevin 2E0KAQ, Howard 2E0KWH, Dawn 2E0MIS, Rob 2E0MEX, Anita 2E0DUO, Kev 2E0NCO & Steven 2E0SDD await their results!
Monday evening this week saw another milestone in Wythall Radio Club’s Training programme, when 8 students sat their Advanced License Examination.
With the class too large to fit in most of the usual meeting rooms at Wythall House, we had to book one of the larger suites in order to accommodate the sheer number of students, invigilators and the physical room required to separate them from each other in order to fulfil the regulations!
There is now a nervous wait for all eight of them. It takes a couple of weeks or so before the results come back, but if all goes well, we should be hearing a few new callsigns on the air around the area before Christmas.
Fingers toes and everything else crossed everyone…