A year in the Life of Wythall Radio Club: The Chairman’s Report

Chris , retiring chairman, with Lee at a sunnier Plug and Play event.
After last year’s AGM we published a programme of activities for the year ahead. This was added to and adapted during the year. It helped us make sure there was something of interest for members each month, usually on the first Tuesday – and sometimes we had several activities in a month!
I think the biggest development this year was our ‘August Tuesday evenings on the lawn’ – trying out antennas, learning to use a nanoVNA, operating radios, nattering and generally having fun. This even encouraged some members we hadn’t seen for some time to come along.
Like all good ideas, this emerged from our members – a couple of members wanted try out some antennas, and after the first night we just carried on for the next couple of weeks taking advantage of the fine weather! It provided an ideal opportunity to try out the vertical antenna kindly donated by Chris G0EYO.

Ian M0LQY adjusts one of the guys our ‘new’ Cushcraft vertical (Thanks to Chris EYO)
Sadly, the weather wasn’t so kind to our big public events – Museum on the Air weekend at Transport Museum Wythall, Plug and Play (which had to be postponed due to a downpour) and the Stoke Prior Steam Fair. We also struggled to find enough members and transport to renew our involvement with the Steam Fair.

The Steam Rally team damp but determined and cheerful
However good team-work and commitment meant that we were able to provide a high-quality demonstration of amateur radio in the two events that did run. Having two HF stations and the satellite station plus occasional VHF operational during these events provides a lot of interest but also means individual members don’t have to be on duty all the time.
Other new developments during the year include John 2E0XET and Clive M0KNP’s club SOTA expedition to a very misty Titterstone Clee Hill, and Neil G1TZC and Debora’s work in putting together 70cm beam kits for the foxhunt in the park. The Q and A round table was also positively received by members.

Neil with his immaculately presented Fox Hunt table .. thanks too to Debra
The web-site has been very busy under John 2E0XET’s editorship and with contributions from seven members. I counted an impressive 42 posts over the last 12 months – all good publicity for the Club. It’s great to have the occasional post from our DX member Kev G4XLO in Devon, and also his regular contribution to our weekly DX table round-up.
It’s very important for the future of the Club to be able to attract new members, and we welcomed 6 new members 12 months ago plus Garry ZD7GWM as an overseas member. They’ve immediately become part of the life of the Club. They bring skills and expertise that help us to ‘have fun with RF’, as our motto says.
I’d particularly like to thank Garry for being willing to pop up on the satellite when we run events to amaze our visitors with the clear signal from St. Helena, leaving them puzzled as to why we can do this but the wifi in their own house is so poor!

Balmy summer evening activity on the ‘lawn’ out side Wythall House
One of the strengths of our Club is that members are fully involved in planning our activities. I must admit when I first joined the Committee back in about 2014 I couldn’t understand why it didn’t meet on it’s own to plan events as usually happens, but I can see now that our Open Committee meetings set the tone for all members to be able to shape what the Club does and keep it active and developing.
I’m standing down this at this AGM after three years as chairperson. It’s been an honour to hold this position and to work with members to help the Club move forward from the challenges of the Covid lockdowns, reduced membership and a tighter financial base.
I’d like to thank members for their suggestions and participation, and especially the Committee – John, Clive, Pete, Ian Reeve, and Ian Gilmore. We’ve had to address such issues as the cellar rooms, the perpetually rotating beams, the Hamfest, the 30 years-worth of accumulated gear, and relations with the House.

Dave G3YXM operating at the Wythall Transport Museum Activation