This weekend, 8th and 9th July sees one of the Radio Society of Great Britain’s premier contest events, VHF National Field Day. The idea is that stations take to the great outdoors and set up stations literally “in the field” and then try to make as many contacts as possible for 24 hours. Five Amateur bands are used, 50Mhz, 70 MHz, 144 MHz, 432 MHz and 1296 MHz.
Wythall Radio Club’s idea of a good VHF Field Day however, is to have as many members as possible on the park at Wythall House and play a mix of radio, both VHF and HF, heavy duty contesting and combine that with eating food, drinking beer and telling tall stories well into the night. (Sometimes even radio comes second to beer!)
Well, that’s our usual plan! This year’s awful rainy weather has literally put the dampeners on our activities. The state of the field is so bad that getting equipment onto it would prove too difficult and in addition, the forecast for the weekend is pretty grim.
So instead, join us in the club shack from 1400 on Saturday for a day of fun with RF and a takeaway in the evening, washed down with some suitable ales from the bar. We will still be working all the portable stations but in the so-called “sweeper” section of the contest. And after a few bevys, doubtless those tall stories will keep on coming…