wythall radio club

having fun with RF

Archive for the ‘Contest’

Field Day – not in a Field!

July 08, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News

Last weekend was VHF Field Day here in the UK – and for a change, Wythall Radio Club decided to do it from the club shack!

9 members and visitors activated the club callsigns and made plenty of contacts.VHFNFD

It was particularly pleasing to see some folk who wouldn’t probably consider themselves contesters taking part and getting some operating experience.

Phil WTH and Roy HDF in particular took up the mic and worked a few stations. Even more nerve-wracking than usual with a few onlookers!

Conditions on VHF/UHF were not inspiring – no signs of any E’s or tropo, and online we could see that many other groups had showers and storms. Best DX on 2m was to France.

There was a break for a fish and chip (or kebab) dinner, where 2016 NFD will go down in history as “Curry-Sauce-Gate”. Don’t ask – especially don’t ask Pete M5DUO!

We will be out in the field soon though – IOTA weekend at the end of July is our big event this year – and of course there will be the annual club BBQ! Yum yum!

Morse Maestro

June 22, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News, Training


Adjudicator Lee G0MTN presents Kev G4XLO with the Lew Williams Shield

A very special presentation  took place last night at Wythall Radio Club. The results of the Morse Activity Month were revealed – and several members were commended.

May is designated our special “Morse Appreciation” month at Wythall Radio Club – at the end of the month our band of intrepid adjudicators selects the people they feel have shown the greatest progression in either learning or improving in the mode for special recognition.

This year, Dave M0IFT, John M1JSS and Jamie 2E0SDV were singled out for special praise but the overall winner (and winner of the Lew Williams Memorial Shield) was judged to be Kev G4XLO.

Kev’s interest in Morse has blossomed from re-learning the code to being on air between 12-15 words per minute in what seems a very short space of time. He is now at the forefront of efforts in the club to get a CW net going!

So it’s a very well done to all our “commendees” but especially to Kev and we all look forward to working him on the key very soon.

Radiosport on Steroids!

May 15, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News


2014 UK Contesters Mark M0DXR & Olof G0CKV watched by referee N5AW

Radiosport is the theme at Wythall Radio Club this week.

The World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) is the focus of our weekly meeting.

This is a radio contesting event, held every four years, which attracts the very cream of ham radio operators from across the world.

In essence, it consists of 50+ two-person teams of amateur radio operators competing in a test of operating skill.

Previous WRTCs have been held in places as diverse as the USA, Slovenia, Finland, Brazil & Russia. But it is the most recent one held in New England in 2014 that is the subject of this Tuesday’s club evening.

A fantastic video was made of this event and, thanks to our facilities in the club shack, we will be watching this on our own “big screen”.

What not come along and join us for this fun evening? This Tuesday 17th May at 2030 at Wythall House, Silver Street, Wythall B47 6LZ. You will be very welcome!

Easter Contest Winners

April 13, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News


Steve 2E0SDD won the FM Section

…and the results of the Wythall Radio Club Easter Contest are out – and there are new names in the top spot positions!

Despite heavy competition, the winners of both sections of the WRC Easter Contest are first-time first-placers.


Simon G4TVR won the Open Section

In the 2m/70cms FM section, Steven 2E0SDD was victorious over David G7IBO, while in the All Bands section, it was Simon G4TVR who won top prize from Dave M0IFT, who has now finished second in both his last two Wythall contests.

It seems the Easter contest, though more sedate than our Christmas event, is the little more popular for its chocolate prizes! Maybe we will have to add something to the next Christmas contest to make it a little more “palatable’… :-) Selection boxes, anyone?

Catch all the egg winners begin presented with their fayre by Contest Supremo Lee G0MTN by clicking on the thumbnails below…


Easter comes to Wythall Radio Club…

April 10, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News


6 Eggs up for grabs!

Yes we know it’s a little on the late side, but Easter will be coming to WRC this Tuesday.

That’s because the chocolate egg prizes of our in-house Easter Contest will be awarded this week!

Members will gather this Tuesday at 8.30pm in the Club rooms to discover who the 6 lucky winners of the choccy prizes will be.

Contest adjudicator and supremo Lee G0MTN will be in the hot-seat, doling out the prizes and there will be a fair few folk in the running this year, judging by the entries, which are up on last year’s event.

The proceedings will be preceded by a necessary Committee Meeting but, needless to say, there will be some smiling faces, and we daresay a few disappointed ones too, come the end of the night…

Happy Easter from Wythall Radio Club!

March 25, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News

The members of Wythall Radio Club wish all readers and visitors to this website a very happy and peaceful Easter! Ham Easter

It’s been a great year for our club, as you can see by a visit to our “News Time Machine” in the right hand column of this home page.

We are still recovering from what most senior members in the Club regard as the best Hamfest ever held at WRC.

But at the moment, we are deep into our members’ Easter Contest. Those of you within earshot of the area will doubtless have been a little bemused by lots of number exchanges going on. Don’t worry, it will all be over by Easter Monday night!

This Easter Tuesday, we will having a very special guest at the club, but more news about that later.  If you are thinking of coming to visit us anytime, next Tuesday would be a very good night to do so.

Better Late Than Never!

February 09, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News

Following on from the previous news item, tonight has seen yet more presentations at Wythall Radio Club. G7IBO

Christmas Contest Winner David G7IBO finally got home from France and up to the Club to receive the G7OJO Trophy for the Open Section. It’s been a few years of coming second for young David, but this year he finally managed to get his hands on the trophy! Well done to you, sir!

M6KETJohn M6KET also was on hand to receive his certificate for the highest placed Foundation Licensee in the same section.  What was particularly remarkable about John’s achievement was the fact that all his contacts were made using Morse Code. John is unusual in being 100% Morse and Low Power.

Well done to both and great to see such fun being had on our regular Tuesday Club nights. Thank goodness that contest supremo Lee G0MTN was on hand to do the presentations!

Christmas Contest Results

January 27, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News


David G7IBO received his award in Val d’Isere where he is skiing!

It’s Christmas Contest Results time at Wythall Radio Club.

Contest supremo Lee G0MTN was in the hot seat last night to give us a presentation on the facts and figures of the 2015 event and reveal the changing trends in the contest across the years.

Pretty much half the club’s total membership of over 80 took part in the event at some point and once again the contest succeeded in its main aim, to ensure that members “Have Fun with RF” (as the club’s motto goes) over the festive season.


Lee G0MTN awards the FM trophy to a beaming Ian M0IDR

And to the results then – two brand new winners this year: Club Treasurer, Ian M0IDR was the victor in the 2m/70cms FM section, quite an achievement all the way from Evesham(!) – just pipping Chair Anita 2E0DUO into second place.

The overall winner in the open section though (and winner of the G7OJO Trophy) was David G7IBO.  He won by a whisker from first time entrant (and new Advanced licensee) Dave M0IFT, who ran him extremely close for a first time entry – one to watch for next year maybe?

Congratulations to all winners and runners-up and we hope to see you all again for our Easter event at the end of March, when some serious prizes of Chocolate Easter Eggs will be up for grabs!

Contest Success for Wythall Radio Club

January 08, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News

Wythall Radio Club members are celebrating today following the release of the latest set of contest results.

Club members recently took part in the RSGB’s Club Calls Contest (November last year) and the results show that Wythall RC has finished in 2nd place, after a few years finishing 3rd.Certificate

Our congratulations go to the winners, Bristol Contest Group, who are a very hard act to beat, but with our team of “ordinary” club members pulling together, we managed what we consider to be an excellent result.

However, the results also show that we are the top non-contest club in the country in this event, something of which we are very proud. Pictured is our hard-earned certificate.

Our thanks go especially to our Club Calls Contest co-ordinator Dave G3YXM who whips us into shape each year for our regular assault on the event.

Perhaps next year, we can steal the top spot!

Happy New Year from Wythall Radio Club!

January 01, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, News

h2The members of Wythall Radio Club wish all radio amateurs worldwide the very best of New Year wishes. May all your New Year desires come true in 2016!

Remember to subscribe to our site via email (left) to make sure you keep up to date with all the news from our busy club!

For our part we will be having fun with RF throughout 2016 with a full programme of events planned, including our annual Hamfest on March 20th, to keep members and non-members happy.  See our calendar page for more details!

We hope to see YOU in 2016!