wythall radio club

having fun with RF

Archive for the ‘Fun’

Jamie’s Number One!

November 04, 2015 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News

CQWW screen

Click the picture once, then click again for more information on Jamie’s scores

Yet more good news for 15-year-old Wythall Radio Club member, Jamie 2E0SDV.  We have just heard that young Jamie has performed very well in the recent CQ Worldwide Radio Contest.

Jamie recently spent the majority of a 24 hour period on the radio, trying to get as many contacts as possible (without falling asleep for too long!) And it looks like he succeeded. Recent raw scores show him in 16th place in the world for his section, 40 metres low power.

Jamie’s licence restricts him to just 50 watts output power, but he certainly uses it to good effect. Using a SOTAbeams dipole, his raw score of 26,325 points also places him 11th in Europe, but a rather magnificent 1st in the UK.

Adjudicated scores are yet to be finalised, but we would bet Jamie will still be there or thereabouts.

Certificate on the way? We hope so!

Latest Club Newsletter is out!

November 02, 2015 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

The latest edition of the Wythall Radio Club Newsletter has been published today. WRC 2015-11

Editor Chris G0EYO has been burning the midnight oil just to get the latest fun-filled edition to you!

Highlights this month include not one but two visits to Ian M0IDR’s workshop, reports on SSB Field Day and our club visit to the RSGB Convention; Roger M0GWM provides a training update and we look forward to Youth on the Air in December.

There’s even some news on a new US callsign in the club – what’s that all about?

To find out, click the photo or grab your WRC Newsletter fix here!

Field Day Success

October 29, 2015 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News

The members of Wythall Radio Club are feeling pleased today with the release of the results of a recent National contest.

Lee & Jamie

Jamie 2E0SDV on the mic, aided and abetted by Lee G0MTN

HF SSB Field Day is a shortwave radio event we enjoy at the beginning of September each year and this year was no exception.

Our small operating team of Lee G0MTN, Jamie 2E0SDV and “Captain” Callum M0MCX worked tirelessly over the 24 hours to make contacts on all allowable bands from 80 metres to 10 metres.

Aided and abetted by other club members supplying support, both emotional and physical, throughout the weekend, we now have the results and it’s a great success for our small band of operators. Wythall finished 6th out of 28 UK Clubs taking part in the “Restricted” section.

Our heartiest congratulations go to Callum, Jamie and Lee and all those who supported them. Perhaps a top 3 podium finish is within our grasp for next year?

(More photos can be viewed by clicking below…)

Having Fun at the Convention

October 11, 2015 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

Convention 2015

Which one splashed the cash at ML&S???

Wythall Radio Club members have been out in force again this weekend – this time at the Radio Society of Great Britain’s Annual Convention.

No less than 9 members spent all or part of the weekend in Milton Keynes attending (and in one case giving) lectures, making and renewing friendships, picking up awards and, you guessed it, eating and drinking just a little.

Lee G0MTN was on the Convention lecturing team – he was joined by Jamie 2E0SDV who picked up the G5RP trophy, Mack M0CUS, Tim M0URX, Dave G3YXM, Roger M0GWM, Mike G4VPD, Mark M0LXQ & Chris G7DDN.

Needless to say, the Martin Lynch & Sons stand was a big draw and it is rumoured that one member spent a four figure sum(!) at the stall.

Our lips are sealed though!

Fun at the Hamfest

October 03, 2015 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

2015 Hamfest

It’s been a week now, but members of Wythall Radio Club had a great time at last weekend’s National Hamfest.

Held at the Newark Showground and sponsored by our national Radio Society, the RSGB, the halls were packed with traders and visitors from across the world.

Several Wythallians made it along across the two days, including Tim M0URX, Dave 2E0HPD, Roger M0GWM, Chris G7DDN, Phil 2E0WTH, Jamie 2E0SDV, David G7IBO, Juliet M6RSC. WTH at MLS

Needless to say, the Martin Lynch stall was a great attraction and the advent of a new 432MHz transceiver embedded in an Android mobile phone was of great interest to many of us. Click on the photos to see more. (In fact, click twice for a really large image!)

Former Club member Peter, who now lives in Ireland took a great video too and you can catch that here.

Doubtless we will be along again next year!

Wythall Ladies famous again!

September 26, 2015 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News


Marie G7OKF, Dawn M0LIJ, Juliet M6RSC, Anita 2E0DUO & Lynne M6FAB (all without wine – how odd!)

There’s no keeping those Wythall Radio Club girls down! Would you believe they’ve now made an appearance in a book?

The Radio Society of Great Britain have recently published the latest version of their Amateur Radio Operating Manual and in the very early part of the book, there is a photo that caught our attention.

Marie G7OKF, Dawn M0LIJ, Juliet M6RSC, Anita 2E0DUO & Lynne M6FAB were all part of our fantastic G100RSGB team, when we took part in the centenary of the RSGB’s foundation. One of the photos we used for promotional purposes has now resurfaced in the Manual – it was spotted yesterday by club member Roger M0GWM after he purchased a copy at the National Hamfest.

Nice to see our girls’ beautiful faces and Wythall Radio Club’s name making a splash in print. The only question is, why were there so few glasses of wine in the picture???

Off to the National Hamfest!

September 25, 2015 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

The UK’s National Hamfest kicks off today and Wythall members will of course be putting in an appearance over the weekend!

Wythall does Hamfest!

A couple of carloads of members are even making their way to the Newark Showground in Nottinghamshire today to enjoy browsing the traders, perusing the flea market and visiting radio equipment manufacturers.

This trip has become a regular outing in the Wythall Radio Club diary since its inception a few years ago and is eagerly anticipated by those who thrive on visits out.

We do expect the cars to be slightly heavier on the return than on the way out though. We will be full to the brim with bacon rolls for starters!

Who knows? There may even be some radio equipment to bring back too!

A boost for the finances

August 26, 2015 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

IMG_0528Members of Wythall Radio Club are enjoying the fruits of their labours this morning, thanks to the excellent work done at the recent Wythall Fun Run.

Although it is not too much of a hardship for members to be outdoors in the summer using their handhelds, it is always nice when one’s efforts go rewarded.

So when Roy Clarke of the Fun Run Committee popped into the shack last night bearing a gift from the organisers to the club for our recent efforts, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to have a photo of him handing over a cheque for £250 to our Chairman Mike G4VPD.

A little help for the club coffers is always very much appreciated…

Latest Wythall RC Newsletter available

August 25, 2015 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

Chris G0EYO informs us that the latest edition of the Wythall Radio Club Newsletter is now available for download.Screenshot 2015-08-25 11.09.07

This edition has details on what we have been up to this summer, news of the Lew Williams Shield award, a report on our work at Wythall Carnival and an extended article on young Jamie 2E0SDV’s DXpedition to the Brecon Beacons with the RSGB Youth Committee.

There’s also a report on Tim M0URX’s DXpedition to Ramsey Island and a few technical articles on SDR, Variacs & a historical article on Armond Taylor & Co.

Just click on the newsletter thumbnail on the right, or the icon in the sidebar to the left of this article or maybe just click here and enjoy!

Carnival time!

August 17, 2015 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

Wythall Radio Club does Wythall Carnival!

Yesterday saw several members having fun with RF at our local summer family event, the Wythall Carnival.

Held in the grounds of our meeting place at Wythall House, the fields were teeming with families out to enjoy themselves for the day. Most of the local societies and organisations were to be seen, and WRC is no different.

We put together a stall featuring Amateur Radio demos, Morse Code, RSGB information, rolling video programmes, home-brew projects, an HF Station, a VHF/UHF Station and even a D-STAR demonstration station. Much fun was had by all who took part, and there were more than few expressions of interest in the next Foundation Course! Several WRC members were also on duty in the car park, helping the public to find a space (not an easy job, that!)

The weather gods were kind to us too and we were grateful to be placed close by the Hog Roast! All in all, though tired by the end of the day, we went home with the feeling of a job well done!

Get a flavour of the day by clicking some of the photos below.