wythall radio club

having fun with RF

Archive for the ‘Fun’

Off to visit Martin…

March 27, 2015 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

MLS new

Get ready for a full frontal Wythall assault on the brand new MLS Store!

Friend of Wythall Radio Club, Martin Lynch G4HKS, owner of one of the best-known Ham Stores in the UK, has recently moved premises.

Now based in Staines, nearer to Heathrow Airport, Martin still offers the widest range of Amateur Radio gear available.

Quite a few Wythall Radio Club members have visited Martin’s old shop in the past, (mostly for bacon sandwiches and pork baps it should be said) though there has been a rumour or two that money has indeed changed hands!

And tomorrow (Saturday 28th March) a few members are going down to London to visit Martin’s new premises and give them the once over.

No bacon or pork this time, but quite a few folk can’t wait to see the new larger premises Martin has got for himself!

We are told that the car drivers are readying themselves for more weight on the return journey however – make of that what you will…

Wythall Radio Club’s Newest Repeater

March 26, 2015 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

The good news keeps coming thick and fast at the moment at Wythall Radio Club. d-star_logo1

We have heard this week that our latest repeater project has been licensed by Ofcom.

GB7DG is a D-STAR repeater located just outside Bromsgrove. It will give better coverage of both the town of Bromsgrove and the M5 motorway from the Lickey Hills down towards Worcester.

It will also fill in coverage gaps between the Bewdley D-STAR repeater GB7WF and the Wythall Simplex Gateway MB6IWL (also soon to be upgraded to Repeater status, we hope!)

Read more about GB7DG here and visit it’s page on this website here.  Club member and repeater keeper John M1JSS will let us (and in turn, you) know just as soon as it is operational.

A Youngster On The Air

March 24, 2015 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News


Jamie M6GDI will soon hold a 2E0 callsign – exciting!

Wythall Radio Club member Jamie M6GDI is celebrating on several fronts at the moment.

Last night he became one of our youngest members to pass his Intermediate exam – at the age of 14, he is now impatiently awaiting his new callsign! (UPDATE 01/04/2015 – Jamie is now 2E0SDV)

Imagine operating from the top of this in high summer!

Imagine operating from the top of this in high summer!

And on top of that, he is particularly excited to be part of the YOTA (Youngsters On The Air) movement.

Jamie is one of only a few young people chosen to be part of an RSGB DXpedition to Wales in July.

Come the 23rd of that month, he will be off to the Brecon Beacons for a mix of hiking and operating.

A whole week to play radio? What fun! We eagerly await more news on that front – well done Jamie!

Could you still pass your Ham Exams?

March 23, 2015 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News, Training

For many members of Wythall Radio Club, passing their Amateur Radio exams is something that happened, well…  too long ago! For others however, it is a more recent experience.

hamexamHowever all members benefit from being in touch with what is expected of new entrants to the hobby, so with that in mind…  this Tuesday evening sees a departure from the norm…

Training Co-ordinator Chris G0EYO, aided and abetted by Chris G7DDN, will be presenting a kind of “quiz” evening.

There will be ten typical questions from each of the three Amateur Radio Examinations – each participant will have their own answer sheet – and, in true fun Wythall style, we will see just who can still pass their ham exams!

We expect plenty of laughter as well as a few contentions moments – in the preparation phase for this evening for example, your scribe managed to get three Intermediate level questions wrong, redeemed somewhat by only getting one incorrect answer in the Advanced…

Visitors are welcome of course (just be prepared to be surprised!) – this Tuesday 24th March in the Darts Room at Wythall House, Silver Street, Wythall B47 6LZ. Note the earlier start time of 20:15 – there’s a lot to cram in!

We hope to see you there.

Having fun with QRP

March 14, 2015 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News


A 20m QRP Transceiver by Barry M0DGQ built mostly using common components from a junk box – click the photo for more information

In the ranks of Wythall Radio Club there are several members who have an interest in QRP work. QRP is a recognised radio Q-code for using low power.

You might wonder why anyone would deliberately want to use lower power than necessary to make radio contacts, but there is a kind of inverse pleasure in trying to see if you can maintain a contact with less power than a kids’ nightlight!

This Tuesday at Wythall Radio Club, one of our own QRP aficionados, Barry M0DGQ, who has written several construction articles for the G-QRP Club, will be taking us through what appeals to him in using low power, particularly as it pertains to using Morse Code. QRP is very close to the original spirit of Ham Radio in that it uses Morse Code and home-built equipment.

Expect some very practical stuff and quite a few examples of QRP gear and tips on how easy it is to build your own QRP equipment.

This Tuesday 17th March at 2030 in the Club Shack, Wythall House, Silver Street, Wythall. B47 6LZ and visitors are welcome, as always.

Thank you!

March 08, 2015 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, Hamfest, News

Thank you one and all! We had a fantastic day today at the 30th Wythall Radio Rally.

Around 500 or so visitors joined with our trader friends to make it a brilliant day out at our new venue of Wythall House.

Many traders and visitors have already commented to us on the special friendly atmosphere that the Wythall Rally creates. When our traders tell us they want the same spots next year, we know they are happy!

Visitors also took advantage of the great bacon and burgers available(!) and Roger G4ROJ was on the field to give both a practical demonstration and talk on flying kite antennas.

It was a great day out. We hope you enjoyed it too. See you next year?

Photos below – enjoy!

Nearly there…

March 07, 2015 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, Hamfest, News


Park Hall – ready for visitors!

As the sun sets on the penultimate day before Wythall Rally 2015, we are pleased to let you know that everything is ready to roll!


Pete M5DUO hiding amongst the clutter on the club stall

This afternoon, members finished laying out the three halls we have this year, Park Hall, the Britannia Room and the Scout Hut. Click on the photos for a closer look… (and click on what comes up a second time if you want supersize images!)

Remember we are at a new venue – Wythall House, Silver Street, Wythall B47 6LZ. If you get lost, just call for the talk-in station on 145.550 (S22) or on the 70cms GB3WL repeater.

We are looking forward to seeing you all, traders and visitors – have a great day!

Setting up for the Wythall Rally!

March 07, 2015 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, Hamfest, News

Even as you read this, work is being done to make sure that the Wythall Radio Rally tomorrow goes as well as it possibly can.

Remember the ***NEW*** venue, Wythall House, Silver Street, Wythall B47 6LZ starting at 10:00 tomorrow, Sunday 8th March.

Roger G4ROJ will be flying something like this, we hope!

Roger G4ROJ will be flying something like this, we hope!

All three halls will be brimming to capacity with traders, including our top attraction, Radioworld (UK). Check out the full trader listing here!

We thank all our traders for their support and look forward to welcoming them in the morning, along with our usual 500/600 or so visitors.

A reminder too that Roger G4ROJ will be flying kite antennas on the field behind the halls between 1000-1200 midday when he will go indoors to the club training room to do a talk for you on how to fly kite antennas for yourself!

It’s shaping up to be quite a day – we hope you will all enjoy it!

See you tomorrow!

Intermediate Course Announced!

March 05, 2015 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News, Training

Hot on the heels of our record Foundation results (below), Wythall Radio Club are pleased to announce that we will be running a 9 week course for the Intermediate Licence this summer. Interm_6

It will start on Monday 11th May and culminates in the exam on Monday 6th July. 

The course will be held at our Club HQ at Wythall House, Silver St, B47 6LZ.  More information is available on the training page here.

The cost of doing the course is just £50 – this covers all course materials, the exam fee and all other costs.

Any interested Foundation licence holders are asked to contact our Training Co-ordinator Chris G0EYO by e-mailing him at g0eyo@blueyonder.co.uk for more information.

Record Passes for the Foundation Students!

March 03, 2015 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News, Training

Wythall Radio Club is celebrating today after some record breaking news in the latest Amateur Radio Exam results. Last night 8 candidates sat the Foundation level Exam and all 8 passed with flying colours!

The Record Breakers! (L to R) Jonathon, Zaid, Dave, Mat, Zach, William, Alastair and Kevin

The Record Breakers! (L to R) Jonathon, Dave, Zaid, Mat, Zach (rear), William aged 13 (front), Alastair and Kevin

This represents the highest number of candidates passing at the same time since Wythall Radio Club began offering training several years ago.

To become a Radio Amateur it is necessary to take exams to prove your competency to both operate and experiment with equipment that can potentially interfere with life-saving communications systems such as fire, police, ambulance, marine and air traffic. There are 3 levels of exams of which the Foundation is the first level.

We are proud to congratulate all 8 of our new entrants to the hobby – they will sending off to Ofcom for their callsigns very soon now.

So very well done to Mat, Zach and Alastair (who took the club’s on-line Foundation course) and also to Jonathon, Zaid, Dave, William and Kevin (who studied with our talented trainers in the club facilities) – we are proud of you all!

Our Training team tell you to watch out for news of our next course, at Intermediate level  – coming very soon…