Chairman Mike G4VPD receives the G7OJO Memorial Trophy from Contest Adjudicator Lee G0MTN
The cat is out of the bag! The winners of the 2014/15 Wythall Radio Club Christmas Contest have been announced.
And it’s a triumph for Chairman Mike G4VPD and Committee Member (and one the most senior members in years at least!) Jim 2E0BLP.
At the presentation evening last night at the Club HQ, Mike fought off tough opposition from David G7IBO to take top spot in the Open Section, while husband and wife team Pete M5DUO and Anita 2E0DUO vied for 3rd place.
Pete got that by the smallest whisker of margin – and he’s not going to be fed for a few weeks now, so we hear…
In the 2 metre section, it was equally a family affair with Jim 2E0BLP snatching the trophy from his own son, Kevin 2E0NCO, who pushed him all the way. Founder member of the club Colin G6ZDQ came third.

Lee G0MTN presents Jim 2E0BLP with the 2m FM Trophy
Special certificates were awarded to the top Foundation Licensees in each section, duly won by Sylwia M3SSP and Jamie M6GDI. Special “out-of-town” awards were also made to Darren MW5HOC and his family, all of whom came on air from South Wales during the event.
John M6KET picked up an award for top CW operator and Chris G7DDN was awarded a certificate for the largest number of D-STAR contacts during the contest.
However, the real winner was the club itself – “Having fun with RF” is our club motto and, boy, did we all have fun over Christmas?
So much so indeed that many of us are still too tired to come back on the air!