wythall radio club

having fun with RF

Archive for the ‘Fun’

Time to plan for Field Day

June 27, 2014 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News


A lonely M0MCX operates on 144MHz while everyone else barbecues! Don’t worry, he eats well!

VHF Field Day is one of the highlights in the Wythall Radio Club calendar. Not just for the fun and camaraderie we have around taking part in the biggest VHF outdoors contest, but also because of the fun we have socially.

Last year’s event was one of the best (if not the very best) Field Days in the memory of most people in the club, from founder members to new recruits. It will be difficult to better but we are keeping our fingers crossed for good weather, which always helps!

This Tuesday sees a very important evening at the club, as it is traditionally the evening where we “dot the i’s” and “cross the t’s” in terms of getting our final preparation right for the big day.

It’s a good evening to come to especially if you harbour any plans about turning up on the actual day!

2030 in the Club Shack in the cellar at Wythall House, Silver Street, B47 6LZ.

Let’s Go Fly a Kite!

June 21, 2014 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News


Is this the ultimate 80m antenna?

Please don’t think that the members of Wythall Radio Club are about to burst into a Mary Poppins song – really, that is something no-one would want to hear!

When Radio Amateurs talk kites, we are usually thinking about getting a wire antenna strung into the air!

Roger Stafford G4ROJ is perhaps the best known amateur in the UK when it comes to using kites to string up antennas. He is an expert, not just on the antenna side of things, but also in his knowledge of kites themselves. His work has recently been featured on the Amateur TV Channel the TXFactor.

Fortunately for us, Roger is this Tuesday’s visitor to Wythall. He is planning to give us a talk and possibly even (weather permitting) a demonstration of using a kite to hoist up an antenna safely.

We welcome visitors to come along and see just how much fun one can have with RF in the great outdoors. The talk will start at 2030 in the Darts Room at Wythall House, B47 6LZ but may (or may not) be outdoors too (and may therefore be earlier around 1800! – email ian.radioworkshop@hotmail.co.uk for final details!)

Perhaps you might “breeze” in for a visit?

DXing and Contesting from Ascension Island

June 12, 2014 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

No, the members of Wythall Radio Club are not planning a DXpedition to somewhere exotic – it’s the title of our next club meeting next Tuesday evening!

Friend of the Club, Steve White G3ZVW, ZD8N, is visiting us once again – this time to give us an insight into his work and time on Ascension Island. With lots of photos, this is expected to be a fascinating evening. Ascension_Island_Location
Steve has been working on the island for some time doing research into propagation and amongst other things, deploying radar targets for Japanese satellite radar, but that will not be the main feature of his talk.

In his down time, he was able to get on the amateur bands and do some serious DXing and Contesting while in what is, for radio, a fantastic location!

He tells us he can’t do justice to his experiences there in 60 minutes, but he will have to try!

So come down to Wythall House on Silver Street B47 6LZ for 20:30 this Tuesday 17th June – we meet in the Darts Room and you will be very welcome!

GB3WL inches closer

June 09, 2014 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

GB3WL Finished

It’s finished and ready to go, almost!

Wythall Radio Club’s new 70cms repeater GB3WL is getting ever closer.

The modified Tait unit’s inner workings have been completed on the test bench of G1YFF in Cambridge and delivered to the club for public show at tomorrow night’s (Tuesday 10th June) Committee Meeting.

Repeater Keeper Dave Pick  G3YXM said, “This is another milestone in our repeater project. It is great to have the repeater complete and ready to go. As soon as the license to operate GB3WL arrives, we will aim to get the repeater on the air as quickly as possible”

Another recent development has seen Wythall Radio Club gain a community grant towards GB3WL’s antenna system.  A spanking brand-new commercial 4 stacked folded dipole array will be in use for GB3WL, courtesy of club member John Smout M1JSS and his employers, our friends at Western Power Distribution. We hope to have more news on this exciting development soon. wp-logo

So while we await the Notice of Variation that allows GB3WL to become “live”,  it seems that Wythall members have more than a little antenna rigging work to do!

A Gateway for Wythall

June 01, 2014 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News


Wythall – Gateway to the World!

The members of Wythall Radio Club have something to celebrate. The club is supporting a new Internet Simplex Gateway for Digital Ham Radio.

MB6IWL is a D-STAR gateway and it’s situated in Major’s Green, a nearby village. The project has been in the pipeline for a little while now; it was inspired by the number of club members who have been taking advantage of a rather good offer from our friends at Martin Lynch & Sons. He has been discounting the Icom ID-31E handheld transceiver and several members have been relieving him of them!

With around 12 Wythallians now on the D-STAR mode, it seemed a good idea to have a way of accessing the D-STAR Internet Reflectors world-wide, and so MB6IWL was born. Clearance from Ofcom was swift and the Gateway is on air daytimes as of now.

There is more information about the Gateway here, and though supported by Wythall Radio Club, anyone passing through the area is very welcome to make use of it.

More BBC links at Wythall Radio Club!

May 17, 2014 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

As if it weren’t enough that we have a story involving the BBC below, this Tuesday we have a BBC employee coming to give a presentation for us!

Jim Lee

Dogger, Fisher, German Bight? Jim G4AEH is a man who may actually understand the shipping forecast!

Jim Lee is one of the voices of Radio 4, a continuity announcer if you like. Well someone has to introduce the Shipping Forecast!

However, Jim is also a licensed radio amateur, holding the callsign G4AEH. He is also known to many radio hams across the UK for his appearances at the RSGB National Convention where he acts as chief compere.

This Tuesday 20th May, Jim is visiting Wythall Radio Club to give a talk entitled “From Top Band to Radio 4” which will look at varying aspects of his life and hobby.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming Jim to Wythall. Why don’t you come and see too? This Tuesday at 20:30 in the Darts Room at Wythall house, Silver Street, Wythall B47 6LZ.

Wythall Radio Club member on BBC (sort of!)

May 15, 2014 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News


Rob 2E0MEX contemplating buying a new rig!

Regular readers of this website will know that quite a few members of Wythall Radio Club have had a lot of media publicity, especially in the last year or two.

Well here is a slightly sideways appearance on local TV, courtesy of Rob 2E0MEX.

In a recent BBC Midlands Today piece, our friends at Coventry Amateur Radio Club put on a special event station to commemorate the birth of Birmingham comedian Tony Hancock (GB8TH) and ran it from his birthplace in Hall Green – and the first callsign they are heard working is… you guessed it… Rob 2E0MEX!

Of course, this comes as no surprise to Wythall members – Rob is one of the most active members on 144 MHz FM, especially on our club channel of 145.225 MHz. He works as a courier and is often out and about mobile, so has many opportunities to get on the air.

Nonetheless, rather a nice little mention of his callsign on the BBC. Well done, Rob!

Happy Birthday, Jim!

May 14, 2014 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

Jim Icom

Watch out D-STAR, the Voice of the Midlands is coming!

The members of Wythall Radio Club are preparing for a very special occasion this week, the 80th birthday of one of our long-standing members.

Jim 2E0BLP is a grand fellow who is Wythall to the core! Often to be heard on the club frequencies, Jim has a very distinctive voice and with his broad “Brummie” accent has become known in these parts as the “Voice of the Midlands”!

Anyone in the local area cannot fail to have noticed his strong signals especially on 2m FM. Jim was a very active CB-er many years ago and becoming somewhat disillusioned with the behaviour of some on those bands, he migrated to the Ham bands where he has found a home at Wythall Radio Club.

We will be celebrating in style this Friday (his actual birthday) but meantime at last night’s Committee meeting, Jim was presented with an Icom ID-31E, bought for him by all club members chipping in.

Welcome to the Digital age, Jim and here’s to another 80 years!

Mills on the Air… with a difference!

May 11, 2014 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

MIlls 2014

Mark M0MSE watches Cal M0MCX operating (with a windmill of sorts on top of the TS-990S!)

This weekend, members of Wythall Radio Club have been enjoying getting on air.

In the UK we have an activity where radio enthusiasts activate many of the various Mills that dot our country. Called “Mills on the Air” it attracts a lot of folk, both activators and chasers.

As sometimes happens, this year our original plans were scuppered at the last minute, so we instead went indoors to the club shack and activated the callsign we had applied for,  GB2DGW (Danzey Green Windmill) from Wythall.  The actual mill itself is now housed  in a museum of buildings, but our shack is, in actuality, closer to its original location than where it is now, so we felt justified in continuing our activation.

And just to make us feel at home, Phil 2E0WTH provided a small device to sit on top of the radio to remind us we were really a mill on the air! Great fun!

Easter Contest Results

May 07, 2014 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News

Quite a few Wythall Radio Club members are celebrating a late Easter this morning. That is thanks to the prizes they have garnered as the winners of our Club Easter Contest!

G4TVR 2nd

Simon G4TVR was delighted to finish 2nd! Why??

With chocolate eggs on offer as prizes, there was quite a flurry of activity on the air over the holiday weekend and at the results evening last night, Stuart M0NYP scooped one of the top prizes as winner of the All Bands section. A large Easter egg, a smart certificate and a special trophy in memory of Walter M0GRO was his reward.

Kevin M6NCO took away a similar batch of goodies for winning the 144MHz FM section. No surprise really, as the usual regular winner, his dad Jim 2E0BLP, has trained him well!

Second place Easter Eggs went to Simon G4TVR & Mark M0MSE and third place mini eggs were the rewards for Gavin M6GWG and Rob 2E0MEX.  Chairman Mike G4VPD picked up a special certificate for operating from his holidays in the Canary Isles back to Wythall to add some spice into the contest.

Now everyone is looking forward to our Club Christmas Contest again – but hang on folks, there’s the summer and autumn to have some fun with RF yet!

Now click on the thumbnails below for a look at the happy winners!