wythall radio club

having fun with RF

Archive for the ‘Fun’

Wythall RC member picks up BIG radio!

January 09, 2014 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News


Richard Radford G1GRD of ML&S presents Callum M0MCX with his new MONSTER radio!

Wythall Radio Club member Callum M0MCX has been on a mission today – to Martin Lynch’s Store in Chertsey, Surrey to be exact!

There he became the second Wythall Radio Club member to join the ranks of proud owners of a brand new Kenwood TS-990S (plus accessories of course!).

He is now a member of the exclusive club started by our Chairman Mike G4VPD in becoming the second Wythallian to own this fantastic radio, courtesy of our friends at Martin Lynch & Sons.

It is serious money for a hobby radio, but the performance and feature set justifies the price, and what is more, the deal from Martin Lynch’s store was a very good one, as always with ML&S!

Who will be the next Wythall Club member rushing down the M40 for this wonderful piece of radio nirvana, we wonder? Perhaps we can persuade Callum to write a review and put it here on the website for you all to read!

More Wythall Members in Practical Wireless

January 08, 2014 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

Following on from the great coverage afforded to Wythall Radio Club by Practical Wireless Magazine last month, we note yet more club members making an appearance in this illustrious radio monthly!pw3

This time it is the turn of Ian M0IDR, (wallet at the ready!) together with cameo appearances from Anita M6DUO, Dave G3YXM and Chris G7DDN on the recent club outing to the Martin Lynch & Sons open day.

pw4Suffice it to say we were not expecting a photo of more Wythallians in the radio press so soon, but as they say, any publicity is good publicity!

…and it is well known that Ian M0IDR can never resist a good bargain!

Click on the images to see a larger version and remember to pick up a copy of Practical Wireless from your local newsagent!

Steven & Stacey win the M0GJM Trophy!

December 27, 2013 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

The Wythall Radio Club Christmas Foxhunt Trophy has its first winners! Steven 2E0SDD & girlfriend Stacey M6STJ scooped the M0GJM Trophy earlier today.20131227_132531_resized

The morning unfolded with Phil 2E0WTH volunteering to be the first “fox” – he was found by Colin G6ZDQ & Janet, Pete M5DUO and wife Anita M6DUO, though they had to negotiate a ford to get to him!

The DUO’s acted as next “fox” and placed themselves by a church where signals would reflect and give possible false readings. It took 4 transmissions before David G7IBO caught up with them.

David then became the final “prey”, but was found after just two transmissions(!) by Steven 2E0SDD and Stacey M6STJ, who were then deemed winners by virtue of being the fastest “hunters” of the day – very fitting as they were two folk for whom the late Colin M0GJM had a very soft spot!

Enjoy the photo gallery below to get a flavour of how much fun was had by all!

Off to hunt a fox!

December 26, 2013 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

Tomorrow, December 27th, is a very important date in the life of Wythall Radio Club. It signifies a morning of “hunting the fox”!

dftrophy 004Now real foxhunting is currently illegal in the UK in the traditional sense of the term, but to radio enthusiasts, it is all about trying to find a hidden radio transmitter (the “fox”), transmitting at short intervals every 10 minutes or so. This is not therefore an activity that one needs an amateur licence for and so is an event that friends and relatives can (and do!) join in with.

In true Wythall tradition, it ends with lunch at a nearby pub (well it would have to really!) and many tales will be told of how close people were to finding the “fox” first!

And this year, there is a special trophy (pictured left) in honour of Colin Truran M0GJM, (who sadly passed away in the last month) which will be presented to the teams who found the “foxes”.

We can’t think of a better way to honour the memory of a man who absolutely adored this event!

Christmas Contest Time!

December 23, 2013 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News

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Stuart M0NYP won the 2m FM Trophy in 2012

It is that time of year again, when the airwaves around Wythall (and further afield too!) will be full of strange stations exchanging numbers!

No, it’s not a spy extravaganza, it’s just the Wythall Radio Club Christmas Contest again!

Members have to work each other as often as possible between Christmas Eve at 20:00 and New Year’s Day at 20:00. We can work each other once every day for points and each unique member contacted acts as a “multiplier” to our scores.

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Chris G0EYO won the G7OJO Trophy last year

At the end of the event, we take the best 5 days scores and submit them to the adjudicators who then come up with the results, which are celebrated with a presentation evening each January.

It is all about “having fun with RF” as our club motto states, and it invariably lives up to its name. So if you hear strange goings-on on the airwaves (especially on 145.225 MHz FM) over Christmas, don’t be alarmed – in fact, please join in and say “hello”.

You are not valuable to members as points, but you will make a few new friends!


Christmas Party Piccies!

December 18, 2013 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

Here are a few pictures to show you how much fun Wythall Radio Club members had without RF last Saturday! Just click on the photos for a larger version.


Wythall Radio Club gets ready for Christmas!

December 17, 2013 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News

Not long to go now before one of the events of the year in the Wythall Radio Club Christmas Calendar.

Our in-house Christmas Contest started from small beginnings and is now a major part of the club’s calendar. Some amateurs have been known to join our club just to take part in it!

The idea is to work as many members as possible every day from 2000 on Christmas Eve till 2000 on New Year’s Day.  It is not quite as straightforward as it seems though and there are bonuses to be gained for using different bands and modes as well as going portable, mobile and operating from each other’s houses!


The G7OJO Trophy & the 2m Trophy

To win, you have to be active and available on the bands over the Christmas period – as if it wasn’t busy enough as it is!  The section winners are presented with the G7OJO Trophy (for all bands) and the 2 Meter Trophy (for members using 144 MHz only.)

This Tuesday 17th December, there is a presentation by Contest Supremo Lee G0MTN about the history and development of the Contest and on the innovations introduced in recent years, which will include more on the latest updates to our fantastic logging spreadsheet which scores you automatically!

It will be a fascinating evening for sure. So be there at 2030 this Tuesday 17th December in the Club Shack. It will be full, so arrive early!

Having fun without RF!

December 13, 2013 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

Regular readers to this website will be aware that Wythall Radio Club’s motto is “Having Fun with RF”. Well, this weekend, we will doing the polar opposite and “having fun without RF”!

The reason for this is that this Saturday, 14th December, is a very special date in Wythall Radio Club’s Calendar. It is the date for our annual Christmas Party! Members come along and bring friends & family and we have a lot of fun together!

We hire one of the larger rooms (with bar of course!) at Wythall House and have a mixture of excellent food and drink (in the “American Supper” style), live entertainment, games, raffles, and even a skittle alley!

Great chat, a relaxed friendly atmosphere and a “no pressure” environment, it’s the perfect way to start the festive season off with friends.

The party starts from 1900 in the Britannia Room at Wythall House, Sliver Street, Wythall B47 6LZ.

Wythall RC featured in January 2014 RadCom

December 11, 2013 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

Hot on the heels of Wythall Radio Club’s appearance in Practical Wireless magazine, the club is now featuring in the RSGB’s monthly magazine RadCom.

RadCom 1a

The January 2014 issue is being delivered to all RSGB members this week and features Wythall Radio RadCom aClub on pages 68 & 69 under the title “Amateur Radio at its Very Best”. The article is about our activation of G100RSGB and the visit to the station of Financial Secretary to the Treasury, Sajid Javid MP.

As well as featuring in the main G100RSGB article, our group of female operators also makes an appearance on page 84 in the West Midlands Regional News section of RadCom. They are pictured in somewhat frivolous mood, in keeping with our club motto of “having fun with RF”!

Our thanks to RadCom’s editor Elaine Richards G4LFM  for reminding us of some of the great bits of the fun time we had with the G100RSGB callsign.

A great day out!

December 07, 2013 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

With so much going on at Wythall Radio Club just at the moment, it almost escaped notice that eight intrepid members travelled down the M40 last Saturday to represent the West Midlands at the famous Martin Lynch Hog Roast.

Arriving around 0900 (just in time for bacon sandwiches!) were Chairman Mike G4VPD, Secretary Anita M6DUO & Treasurer Ian M0IDR – also along for the ride were Committee Members Phil 2E0WTH, Jim 2E0BLP & Pete M5DUO. Ordinary members Dave G3YXM & Chris G7DDN completed the party.

A great time was had by all, but then since a picture tells a thousand words, just click on the pics below and you will see for yourself. No explanations necessary!

The question is, will Martin and his staff want to see the rabble again next year?