wythall radio club

having fun with RF

Archive for the ‘Fun’

Off to the National Hamfest!

September 27, 2013 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

Today is a big day in the UK Amateur Radio calendar and it’s one that Wythall Radio Club members will be enjoying too!


At 1000 this morning, special guest Eric Swartz WA6HHQ, founder of Elecraft Radio (on his first visit to the UK)  opens the doors to the RSGB National Hamfest at Newark in Nottinghamshire.

A team of Wythall Radio Club members is spending today (Friday) at the event and will probably be “having fun with ££” which we hope will lead to more “having fun with RF” as our club motto states!

We look forward to meeting many friends at this event, and doubtless a bacon sandwich (or three!) will be swilled down with a beer or two…

Barry M0DGQ as D44TXP

September 19, 2013 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun

CW on the beach!

Wythall Radio Club member Barry M0DGQ has arrived back from the Cape Verde Islands and does he have some tales to tell!

From August 27 until September 11 together with wife Ann, he took the holiday of a lifetime to the Isle of Sal. While planned as a special birthday treat for Ann, Barry knows that, for a Radio Amateur, no holiday is complete without some form of radio! So also along for the ride came a home built 3-band Morse Code transceiver, 10m fishing pole, antennas and battery!

Operation was from both the beach and the hotel apartment. Of all the bands used however, 20m was by far the most successful. Europe, Japan, Africa, Ukraine and Brazil were all worked with ease. Even more exciting was that Barry was heard and worked here in Wythall by quite a few other club members – quite an achievement given the huge pile-ups Barry had to handle.

For more details on Barry’s operation, why not visit his own account here?

Having Fun With RF – On Tour!

September 17, 2013 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

2013-09-14 17.04.39

G7DDN’s 40m antenna in South Devon

Members of Wythall Radio Club have been busy operating holiday style this summer and tonight we will find out more about exactly what they have been up to!

Whether it is Barry M0DGQ operating low power morse code with his home-built transceiver from the Cape Verde Islands or Callum M0MCX playing with high power and vertical antennas by the sea in Cornwall, or even Chris G7DDN trying out his new Icom radio from the South of France, there has been plenty going on “away from home”.

Callum M0MCX will lead us tonight in an interactive interview/presentation to discover exactly what Wythall Club Members  have been up to over the summer. Lots of photos and even audio recordings are on the menu. Callum also promises some hints on developing your operating style which will enable that precious DX station to be snagged!

2030 tonight in the Club Shack at Wythall House, Silver Street, Wythall B47 6LZ. Not to be missed!

SSB Field Day 2013 – In Pictures

September 08, 2013 By: M0MCX Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News

Members of Wythall Radio Club had a fabulous time at SSB Field Day 2013 as G4WAC/P.  A photo gallery upload appears below but a full write up will appear in our next Club Newsletter.


Taking it to the Field – again!

September 01, 2013 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News


Chairman Mike G4VPD at the controls during SSB FD 2012

You could be excused for thinking that Wythall Radio Club members are gluttons for punishment! Once again a group of hardy members is taking to the field on Wythall Park this coming weekend, 7th-8th September. This time it is to take part in the Radio Society of Great Britain’s SSB Field Day Radio Contest.

The idea is to work as many worldwide stations as possible using Single Side-Band (SSB- an efficient Voice Mode used by Radio Amateurs). Several members will be shouting away for 24 hours in the middle of a field – they will of course be also hoping the rain stays away!

Planning such an event is not completely straightforward though, so this Tuesday at Wythall House, our regular weekly meeting will be taken up with sorting out the finer details for the weekend’s event.

Visitors, as always, are very welcome. This Tuesday, 3rd September 2013 at 20:30 in the Club Shack, Wythall House, Silver Street, Wythall B47 6LZ

Late Summer Holidays…

August 21, 2013 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

Whenever there is a little respite in the regular stream of posts on the Wythall Radio Club website, it is usually because there is something going on, on which you have yet to hear! This time it is holiday time!

BeachQuite a few members are once again away from the Midlands enjoying the last chance to get a summer break before the Autumn hits us in September.

However, just because the website is quiet, it does not mean that Wythall Radio Club members are! Our monthly Activity Ladder continues apace in the Wythall area; also many members have taken their radio equipment away with them and have been amassing contacts either back to the UK or indeed within the UK or even working rare DX!

Even during the summer holiday time, Wythall Radio Club members are still “having fun with RF”!

Having a Ball at the Carnival!

August 11, 2013 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

Wythall Radio Club members have been busy today at the annual village Carnival.

Several folk gave up their Sunday to put on a first-rate demonstration stall which ran effectively all day long!

With many “hands-on” exhibits, such as Morse Keys & oscillators to 3 amateur stations on all bands from 40 metres – 10 metres (as well as 2 metres), there were even computer screens for the public to engage with and see what the stations were working. All in all, the day was a great success.

On the basis that a picture is better than a thousand words, why not enjoy browsing the stills below?

Our thanks to all that attended and helped in any way. We all had a fantastic time!

Carnival Time!

August 10, 2013 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

One Sunday in every August, the villagers of Wythall and surrounding areas come together to celebrate with a village carnival and this year, Wythall Radio Club members are somewhat more heavily involved than in the recent past.


The Fall Guys Stunt Team will be “dropping in” to the Club Stall, no doubt!

While some of the more regular hardy souls will be helping out with car parking and marshalling at the event, which takes place tomorrow, Sunday 11th August, another group of members is putting on a stall to advertise the club and its activities.

PR is a part of modern day life and based on the old adage that “all publicity is good publicity”, Wythall Radio Club will be setting up a demonstration station and “hands-on” activity stall, showing all that is good about Amateur Radio and Wythall Radio Club in particular.

So why not come and say hello? We will be set up at Wythall Park, Silver Street, Wythall B47 6LZ from 1400, enjoying the promise of good weather, making contacts and chatting to members of the public about the great hobby of which we are privileged to be a part.

You can read more about the carnival and what is on offer here. Along with a fun dog show, a Classic Cars exhibition and the local choir performing, there is even a demonstration from a stunt team called the “Fall Guys” – should be a lot of fun!

Happy Birthday, Colin!

August 05, 2013 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

Wythall Radio Club members have recently been celebrating a very special birthday!Colin 65

Colin G6ZDQ is a founder member of the Club, dating back to 1981. This year he was celebrating his 65th birthday, and in honour of this, he threw a party at Wythall House to which all Wythall Radio Club members were invited. It was a great evening, meeting friends old and new and seeing how well (or otherwise!) a few could dance to the disco!

Chairman Mike G4VPD and Simon G4TVR, two more founder members of the Club, were also there to celebrate, so it was great to have 3 “originals” with us on what was a very happy evening, both for Colin and the Club.

The highlight was a very special birthday cake made in the shape and detail of a mobile radio. A nice touch!

All Wythall Radio Club members wish Colin all the best in his “official” retirement and much fun with RF in the future!

2013 IOTA Pictures

July 28, 2013 By: M0MCX Category: Club, Contest, Fun

Thanks to everyone who turned up to put a great show on for Wythall Radio Club’s IOTA entry. We made nearly 600 contacts all over the world and generally had a good time.

Operators included James M0YOM, Lee G0MTN, Stan G4JGV, Dave G3YXM, Mark M0MSE, Rob 2E0MEX and myself, Callum M0MCX. I may have missed someone, please let me know.

I’ll do a write up for the next Wythall Radio Club newsletter. In the meantime, a picture tells a better story anyway!