wythall radio club

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Archive for the ‘News’

Wythall Hamfest – Midlands Inter-Club GMT Award Presentation

February 29, 2020 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, Hamfest, News

Solihull ARS will be announcing the results of the first MIDLANDS INTER-CLUB GMT AWARD at Wythall Hamfest:

12 noon, Archery Hut (Hall 4), Sunday 15th March 2020

The overall winner will receive a radio, kindly donated by Martin Lynch and Sons Ltd.

There is also a prize for the leading ML&S Martin Lynch & SonsFoundation operator.

Come and support this new initiative to increase activity in our region.

Full details at:  www.solihullradioclub.co.uk/award

Wythall Hamfest is FULL!!

February 12, 2020 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, Hamfest, News

Wythall Hamfest on Sunday 15th March is well and truly Image result for photographs ham radioFULL!

Click here for Hamfest programme 2020(pdf file – download Free Adobe Acrobat if file won’t open).

Please SHARE CARS where you can.

If free on-site parking reaches capacity, we may have to ask you to find a location nearby where you can park legally and safely.

As in previous years, Silver Street will be coned off by the Police, Image result for photographs ham radioand it may be subject to road works.

Please visit our website for regular updates.

Wythall Hamfest – trader list updated

February 08, 2020 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, Hamfest, News

The list of traders at the popular Wythall Hamfest has been updated – click here for the ‘2020 Trader List‘ or see the Hamfest side panel on our web site.

Image result for photo of amateur radio

Wythall Hamfest on Sunday 15th March always attracts large crowds to view and buy from our many traders.Image result for photo of amateur radio

Whether it’s small components, second-hand equipment or a brand new antenna or rig – you’ll find them all at the Hamfest.

We also have our popular ‘bring and buy’ stall.

Don’t forget to make a date in your diary!  Doors open 9.30 for disabled visitors and 9.45 for general entry.

Upgrade your Foundation licence with Wythall Radio Club

February 05, 2020 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, Hamfest, News, Training

Upgrade your Foundation licence through study at home with Wythall Radio Club.

Our new FREE on-line Intermediate level training course under the new syllabus starts this Spring.

The course will run over 10 weeks, from 2nd March until 11th May, with two lessons per week.  The examination will be around 23rd May.

You now need to register your interest.

You study this course at home in your own time from lessons you download from the internet, as you did at Foundation level.

Image result for radio amateur using radio photoIn addition there will be one practical assessment session, usually on a Saturday, where you will learn soldering, digital measuring and other skills. This will require you to be available for ONE Saturday in April, but there will be a choice of dates.

Wouxun dual-band handheldThe course is FREE but there will be an exam fee of £32.50, an exam room hire fee of £6 and a project kit and materials fee for the practicals of £12.  You will not need to pay this until the course starts.

You will also need to purchase the RSGB Intermediate Licence Manual from them at £9 plus postage – or visit the RSGB Bookstall at Wythall Hamfest on the morning of Sunday 15th March. 




Wythall Hamfest – book the date!

February 03, 2020 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, Hamfest, News

Our 35th ANNUAL WYTHALL HAMFEST will take place on SUNDAY 15th March 2020.  Doors open 09:45am – DISABLED ACCESS FROM 09:30am.

Our growing list of traders includes…..

RadioWorld – regulars at the Hamfest who bring you a wide range of goodies.  They are one of the largest suppliers of radio communications equipment within the UK. Check out their comprehensive stock (they also do a nice line in mugs and T-shirts!).

Sinotel UK make a welcome return with a selection of antennas and radios – they are authorised UK dealers for Baofeng, KYD, Quansheng, TYT, Vero and Xiegu Technologies.  Their stand always has lots of interest.

Worsley Communications supply all major brands of Amateur radio equipment, towers, rotators and aerials.  They specialize in ex-NATO pump up masts – which may be a way to get that antenna a bit higher without annoying the neighbours.Online Catalogue

RSGB Bookstall will provide a full range of technical and general radio interest books.  Come and have a brouse, meet the team and add to your bookshelf!

Solihull ARS will be on hand.  And don’t forget that they will be hosting the Midlands Inter-Club ‘GMT’ awards – sponsored by Martin Lynch – at 12 noon, Archery Hut (Hall 4).

MA Components specialize in the supply of small electronic components together with a comprehensive range of nylon nuts screws and washers.  Just what’s needed for small and large construction tasks in the shack.

Alan Clegg Valves – another regular at the Wythall Hamfest – supplies a wide range of ‘tubes’ to meet your needs.

….And many more traders to keep you interested – together with ‘Burger Bob’ for fast food and drink and the Wythall House bar open at lunch time.

Our full trader list will be provided later this month.

Wythall’s radio signals span the world!

January 31, 2020 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News, Training

Radio signals from Wythall Radio Club members reached remote parts of the world – including New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Mali, Seychelles, Guinea-Bissau, British Virgin Island and South Korea.  

The Club’s annual DX Table involves members logging their two-way radio contacts with other countries.

In 2019, Tim MoURX was top of the Table with 165 countries. He was closely followed by Jamie M0SDV and Lee G0MTN with 145 and 142 respectively.  These are all in the Full licence category where operators are allowed to use higher power.

John M6KET won the Foundation licence category with 78 countries contacted, using QRP (low power) – no more than 10 watts output and a simple wire antenna. 

During the year he passed the exams for the Intermediate licence, and also won that category with 63 countries – but continued to use low power and a wire antenna.   He operated 100% CW (Morse Code) rather than using voice transmissions.

It shows what can be achieved with simple equipment despite the poor radio conditions.

Special awards were made to several Wythall members for achievements during the year.

Tim M6OTN (photo) contacted A73A in Qatar – a small country in the Arabian peninsular – with his basic antenna, a short mobile whip.  He won the ‘piece of wet string’ award – so named as wet string can be used as a very basic antenna to transmit radio waves!

Chris G0EYO won the ‘midnight oil’ award for contacting 50 countries on Top Band (160 meters), again using low power and a simple wire antenna.  The award is called ‘midnight oil’ because Top Band contacts can normally only be made during nightime, due to propogation conditions.

And Neil M0LUH won the ‘pipped at the post’ award for achieving 99 countries by 31 December (the closing date for the DX Table competition) – but then contacting what would have been his 100th the next day!

The competition is also open to short-wave listeners who don’t have a transmitting licence. 

If you don’t have an amateur radio licence, but would like to gain one, then come along to our Club one Tuesday evening or see the ‘Training’ section of the web site.  A warm welcome awaits you.


Celebrating radio awards at Wythall Club

January 30, 2020 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News

Wythall Radio Club’s annual Christmas Contest results ceremony attracted a big turn-out of members.

Operating from Colorado USA, Mark M0LXQ – who also holds the US call sign K0YC – made contacts with 8 Club members and was first in the Digital Voice category.  His Christmas operating was at 8,000 feet in the mountains, with guaranteed snow (see photo)!

There was intense competition in the ‘all modes/all bands’ section and little to separate the top three places.  Success went to David G7IBO, who won the G7OJO Trophy (photo left).  Ian MoLQY and Chris G0EYO were in second and third places.

A cold and misty evening operating from the Lickey Hills assured Kevin 2E0NCO of success in the 2meter/70cm (VHF/UHF) FM section, and award of the FM Trophy (photo right).  Winston 2E0EGP came second and Juliet M6RSC was third and also the leading Foundation licence competitor.

The Christmas contest is one of many Wythall Radio Club activities.  The Club meets Tuesday evenings at Wythall House, with its own dedicated meeting room and fully equipped shack, and welcomes visitors and new members.


Scouts on the air at Wythall Club

January 18, 2020 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, News, Training

Twenty-five scouts from 1st Tidbury Green enjoyed an evening of communications activities hosted by Wythall Radio Club.  The scout group is a neighbour of the radio club, both located in Wythall Park.

Scouts took part in four activities – sending names and messages by Morse code, using licence-free handhelds to pass messages using the phonetic alphabet, learning about WebSDR and satellites carrying amateur radio, and passing greetings messages over the air to other radio amateurs.

Image result for photos scout radioAlthough radio conditions were not good during the evening, we did speak to stations in Germany, France and Scotland using short-wave radio on the 80 meter band.  We also used vhf radio on the 2 meter band, and had contacts with stations around Bimingham, Redditch and Cheltenham.

Some of the scouts used the phonetic alphabet they had learnt earlier in the evening to spell out their names when talking on the air.

The evening’s activities involved 5 Wythall Radio Club members plus another member on the air.  It forms part of our outreach activities for youth groups, and we welcome enquiries from similar groups in the area.


Wythall Beavers on the Air!

December 05, 2019 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, News, Training

Wythall Radio Club put on a team effort for the Beavers of 1st Tidbury Green Scout Group.  As a result, 30 Beavers – aged 6 – 8 years – achieved their Communicator Badge and a Certificate of Achievement from the Radio Club.

We had 4 members working with the Beavers on a range of activities – learning how to send their names by Morse code (see photo), using licence-free walkie-talkies to pass secret messages using the phonetic alphabet, and passing a greetings message to 3 additional Club members on-air.  This used the Club’s 70cm repeater GB3WL.

As December is ‘Youngsters-on-the-Air‘ (YOTA) month, we used the special callsign GB19YOTA with the Beavers.  And a coordinator of this international YOTA month is Jamie, M0SDV, one of our teenage Club members.

It was a hectic hour but the Beavers threw themselves in to the activities and went away happy if exhausted.


Communicate worldwide! New on-line Foundation course starts November

October 18, 2019 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, News, Training

Get on the air with an amateur radio licence by following Wythall Radio Club’s new free, on-line Foundation course starting in November.

The specially designed course provides you with an exciting introduction to the hobby.  After passing the straight-forward multiple choice exam, you can obtain your own callsign for use when communicating with other radio amateur operators worldwide.

This course is planned to start on the 25th November and complete by 10th of January with a one week Xmas break.  We will be using the new RSGB (Radio Society of Great Britain) Syllabus introduced in Sept 2019. 

Wythall Radio Club’s tutors have many years experience and achieve a very high pass rate for their students.  

Students can study in their own time following this specially designed on-line course, with support via posts from the tutor.  You also need to have the necessary free time to do the course.If you need special assistance because of any disabilities then please let Chris, the Training Coordinator, know.  You also need to have the necessary free time to do the course.

The course is based around the free-to-use virtual learning experience (VLE) software named EDMODO.  This has gained world-wide acceptance as a safe and easy way for tutors to connect with their students at home via the internet.

You sign up for the course free of charge and you get notifications via e-mail that the course material and quizzes are available for you to download.  This takes place over a 7 week period with two lessons per week in the comfort of your own home and at a time of your own choosing.

We will set a date for the practical assessments (usually done as a group on a Saturday) and the exam when we know how many people will be on the course. These should be done in January or early February.

Although the online course is free of charge, there is an examination fee of £27.50 plus £6 room hire cost to do the practical assessments and examination at Wythall Radio Club.

You will also need to purchase course book “The Foundation Licence Manual for Radio Amateurs” by Alan Betts G0HIQ from the RSGB.

If you are interested in joining this on-line course then please contact our Training Coordinator Chris G0EYO  via g0eyo@blueyonder.co.uk