wythall radio club

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Archive for the ‘News’

Brownies on the Air at Wythall

October 17, 2019 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, News, Training

Six members of the 127th Birmingham Brownie Troop made a very successful visit to Wythall Radio Club’s shack.  The girls are working towards their communication badge.  They took full advantage of the activities offered by the event’s host – Lee G0MTN, seen in the picture with an enthusiastic visitor!

After a quick introduction to radio communication – illustrated with some pictures – they had time to try sending Morse code messages and look at QSL cards and match them up to countries on a map (see photo).

They then sent a coded message using the phonetic alphabet on PMR446 handheld radios.  They also watched Lee conduct a contact on the 40 meter amateur radio band with an Italian operator. 

Having gained some knowledge and experience, the evening concluded with the Brownies sending greetings messages by VHF radio to Jan M3YXM, another Club member operating from her home. 

Photos are used with permission.

Morse Code Award at Wythall Radio Club

July 25, 2019 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, News, Training

May is Morse Code Appreciation month at Wythall Radio Club – where we celebrate members’ progress in learning the ‘dots and dashes’!

The overall winner of the Lew Williams Memorial Shield this year was Dave M0IFT.  He is seen receiving the shield from Lee G0MTN.

Dave is one of the group of members who have been learning Morse code at the Club’s weekly Morse class, run by David G0HVN.  We welcome new members who might like to learn this skill!

So very well done, Dave, and we look forward to hearing your dots and dashes on air!


Wythall Radio Club field-day fun!

July 07, 2019 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, News

Wythall Radio Club’s annual summer celebration of outdoor radio operating and bar-b-qing took place this weekend. This ‘Plug and Play’ weekend is designed so that Club members can bring along radios and erect large antennas that they might not have the space for at home.

Over 40 members and families attended for the Saturday night bar-b-q, part of the Club’s regular social programme.  

Members also used a variety of radios and antennas to contact stations across Europe, and into the Caribbean – where we spoke with Steve PJ4DX – using SSB (voice) and FT8 (digital) modes.  The Club used the opportunity to participate in the Cricket World Cup Radio Marathon, with the special callsign GB19WI (West Indies).  

Activity started at 1030 Saturday with a small team erecting antennas and operating tents – as well as the well-equipped kitchen!!  Several Club members camped overnight, enabling some late night and early morning radio activity.  Pack-up took place on Sunday morning.  The location was in the fields near the Club’s base at Wythall Community Centre.

Busy June at Wythall Radio Club

June 03, 2019 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, News, Training

Lots of activities will keep Wythall radio Club busy during June.

All club members are encouraged to come along to the Club ‘shack’ and have a go operating using the special call signs for the Cricket World Cup during regular Club meetings on Tuesday 4th and 11th June and 2nd July. 

The special call signs will be GB19EB – for Edgbaston Cricket Ground – and GB19ENG for the England Team.

In addition, GB19CWC – the HQ station for the Cricket World Cup – will be activated from the Club on the morning of Monday 17th June.

We will be providing Communications Badge training for 89th Birmingham/1st Hall Green Scouts on 18th June.  This will include passing messages using handheld licence free radios, phonetic alphabet, sending names in Morse Code and passing greetings messages over the air to other radio amateurs using our portable radio station.

And we will be up early on 23rd June to provide communications for the annual Wythall Fun Run.

Our regular Morse Class takes place on Tuesday evenings in the Club meeting room, and Intermediate Licence practicals take place on Saturdays.  On 29th June Club members will be helping out at the Wythall House Bar-b-Q.

New members and visitors are always welcome at Wythall Radio Club –  Tuesdays from about 7.45pm at Wythall House. 

Wythall Hamfest is FULL!

February 10, 2019 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Hamfest, News

Wythall Hamfest on Sunday 15th March is well and truly Image result for photographs ham radioFULL!

You will find 4 halls with over 100 tables and lots of traders – including Radioworld – plus the usual refreshments and bar facilities.

Click here for Hamfest 2020 Programme  (pdf file – download Free Adobe Acrobat if file won’t open)

With free parking, we will do our best to accommodate as many cars as possible on-site. 

Please consider sharing cars where you can.

If on-site parking reaches capacity, please be understanding if we have to ask you to find a location nearby where you can park legally and safely.  As in previous years, Silver Street will be coned off by the Police, and it may be subject to road works.Image result for photographs ham radio

Please visit our website for regular updates.

Awards Night at Wythall Radio Club

February 07, 2019 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News

Awards for Wythall Radio Club contests attracted a big turn-out of members this week.

There was keen competition between members over the festive period in the Club’s annual Christmas Contest. 

Only 30 points separated the winner of the 2meter/70cm (VHF/UHF) section, with Kevin 2E0NCO (photo below) repeating last year’s success ahead of Jim 2E0BLP.  Stu M0NYP came third, a great result as he was less active during the contest than many other entrants. 

One point was awarded for contacting another Club members on each day of the contest, and a multiplier for the first contact with each member.  Operating mobile or portable gained bonus points.

Entrants in the ‘all bands/modes’ section were not restricted to operating on VHF and UHF.  They could also gain bonus points by using the many short-wave bands available for amateur radio and by using different modes such as voice, Morse code or digital. 

The top places were separated by only a few points, with Chris G3YHF (photo below) wining the G7OJO Trophy for the first time, and Don G0NES and Ian M0LQY in second and third place.  

There were several special awards.  Tim M6OTN received a certificate for making the most contacts using digital voice (D-Star/DMR) modes.  He also won the ‘Out of Town’ award for operating in the contest while on holiday in Somerset! 

Awards were given for the leading Foundation licencees  – Maz M6NKO in the 2m/70cm section, and Miles M7ACN (photo below) in the all modes section.  Miles had an impressive entry – he received his licence 2 months ago and made all his contacts using a hand-held radio and antenna! 

Some members used Zello – a mobile network-linked radio mode – and Mark M0LXQ received a certificate for making the most contacts.   John M6KET and Chris G3YHF were equal first in making contacts using Morse code.  

Photos of all award winners are in the gallery below.


Another busy month at Wythall Radio Club!

February 01, 2019 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, News

It’s February at Wythall Radio Club – and we have lots planned!

Awards night for our Club Christmas Contest is on Tuesday 5th. Feb., along with the results of the Wythall Worldwide Awards for 2018.  The Christmas Contest is a regular feature of the Club’s calendar, as members contact each-other for points and multipliers over the festive period. 

We look further afield for the Wythall Worldwide Awards.  These involve working as many different countries as possible.  There has been keen competition between Club members!

Tuesday 12th is an evening to ‘try your hand at UHF contesting’, where members will use the Club’s radio ‘shack’ and beam antennas to try and contact other stations on ultra-high frequencies (UHF).

Another hands-on evening is planned for 19th Feb., when Club member Ian, M0LQY, will be demo-ing computer control of a short-wave transceiver and use of various digital modes to contact other amateur radio stations around the world.

And our eyes turn skywards on 26th Feb. as our visiting speaker Lyndon, G8JLY, shares the secrets of bouncing radio signals off meteor showers!

Alongside all this activity, Club members are continuing to prepare for our 34th ANNUAL HAMFEST!  More details to follow soon.


New Foundation Course Announced

January 06, 2019 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, News, Training

Wythall Radio Club are pleased to announce that we are running our latest on-line Foundation course for those seeking to gain their Foundation licence. 

We think this might be ideal for younger students or those who cannot make a regular classroom attendance on our normal teaching nights as students can study in their own time with support via posts from the tutor.

The course is planned to start on the 4th February and complete by 8th March.

Find out more at our Training Page here.

Celebrating Christmas!

December 17, 2018 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

Wythall Radio Club members, families and friends enjoyed the annual Christmas Party at the club this weekend. 

It was a great turnout with all the tables occupied – and even Santa paid a visit!

There was much discussion over festive drinks about the various exam successes the club had achieved over the last week, together with the anticipation of new callsigns. Other members were sharing their plans to take part in the forthcoming Christmas Contest.

The American Supper highlights included the famous G3YXM Tagine, the authentic G4VPD Spanish meatballs, not forgetting the 2E0DUO roast pork.

And of course, the usual games – the skittles competition, stand-up bingo and of course the traditional raffle.

Our thanks go to Kev 2E0NCO and Anita 2E0DUO for their work organising the party. Perhaps we will see you there next year?

Pictures from Space Received by Wythall Radio Amateurs!

October 31, 2018 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, News

Antennas were turned skyward last weekend as Wythall Radio Club members listened for signals from the ISS – the International Space Station!

Slow Scan Television (SSTV) pictures were transmitted from the ISS amateur radio station using the callsign RS0ISS. 

Keen Wythall club members tracked the ISS’s location (see map below) and received the transmissions during its six 10-minute passes over Wythall during the weekend.

The pictures commemorate important events in space exploration.

The ISS used a VHF transceiver with 25 watts output.  This provides a very strong signal on 145.800MHz enabling reception using simple equipment – signals were even received on a handheld radio with a simple whip antenna!  These SSTV transmissions are planned to fit around the ISS crew’s normal duties, so there are usually only one or two each year.

Each SSTV transmission lasted 2 minutes.  As you can see from some of the pictures, we were unable to receive the complete transmission before the ISS travelled over the horizon and contact was lost.  Compare the quality of the picture on the right with the much better reception of the same one above! 

Luckily the same pictures were transmitted on several passes!

This event continues Wythall Radio Club’s activities with space radio – for more information click here.  You can track the ISS and other satellites here and see views of earth from the ISS here.