wythall radio club

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Archive for the ‘News’

Wythall Radio Club is Club of the Year (almost!)

October 01, 2018 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

Peter Waters G3OJV with WRC members Chris G7DDN, Phil 2E0WTH, Roger M0GWM, Peter G4LWF & Roy G0HDF

At the weekend, Wythall Radio Club members were celebrating again! We came runners-up in the National Radio Club of the Year Competition.

Club of the Year is run by the Radio Society of Great Britain and supported by Waters and Stanton radio retailers. Each year most clubs from around the UK compete to see who will be honoured with the title of Club of the Year.

Wythall RC has been the regional winner every single time we have entered, but we have never made it to the finals, until now!

Coming second to the excellent Essex Ham group is nothing to be ashamed of either. Essex Ham are probably the most progressive forward-looking Radio group in the country and are blazing a trail in how to re-invent such clubs for the 21st Century.

So we are very proud of our achievements and apparently we have a £250 voucher to spend in Waters and Stanton‘s store too!

What will we be getting next?

Wythall goes worldwide!

September 11, 2018 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, News

“How many different countries can you contact by radio?” That’s the challenge for Wythall Radio Club members!

Almost 700 amateur radio operators in 163 different countries have been contacted by Club members in the past month – and several of our operators have contacted 100 or more countries each. 

The map shows in green the countries one of our members has contacted.  Still a lot of countries in Africa and south east Asia to talk with!

Members are using voice, Morse code and digital transmissions in their quest to span the world! 

Some are having great success with simple antennas and low power – you don’t have to be high tech to work stations around the world!

Our Wythall Worldwide Awards competition runs for 6 months.  There are 339 different countries for amateur radio purposes so there are lots more opportunities for Wythall radio operators to reach around the world!

David Dawkes G0ICJ – Silent Key

July 22, 2018 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, News

It is with extreme sadness that Wythall Radio Club informs both its members and the amateur community at large of the passing, early this morning, of David G0ICJ.

David was a member of WRC for many years and served as a senior officer in the role of Treasurer for a long period too. A former member of the banking profession, he proved to be an excellent pair of hands when the finances of the club needed careful attention.

However, it will be as a person that David will be most remembered. David was a man for whom nothing and no-one was too much trouble.

He would often be the first person to welcome enquirers or visitors to the club; he was someone everyone in the club knew, respected and admired. He had time for everyone and a caring nature which he used to good effect, often sidling up to a member who looked a bit under the weather, whereupon he would encourage and inspire in equal amounts.

Naturally he was a stalwart at many club events, leading the Bring and Buy at the Hamfest, and helping out at many of our radio operating and social events. He was also known to newer members of the club through his work invigilating exams.

Sadly declining health in recent years meant he was unable to take part in club events quite as much as he used to, but nonetheless he was around and about even earlier this year.

David was also a member of the Radio Society of Great Britain for over 50 years and appeared in the Society’s journal RadCom, for his notably long membership of the RSGB.

All members of WRC send our thoughts to his wife Jackie and his family at this sad time. 

Rest in peace David G0ICJ SK.

Fun weekend at Wythall Radio Club!

July 17, 2018 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News

Wythall Radio Club was in full swing ‘on the air’ last weekend!

Members braved the hot weather to operate all manner of portable radio equipment and antennas and contact other stations around Europe on Sunday morning.  Operating from the field near our Club HQ, this ‘Plug and Play’ event is one of many activities Wythall Radio Club offers to its members.

Cool drinks and a camping grill kept the group hydrated and energised!

At the same time, two Club members were contacting stations around the world in an international radio competition – making over 13,000 contacts in a 24 hour period!  

Lee G0MTN and Jamie M0SDV used powerful radios and antennas on 60 foot towers, as part of the UK national radio society’s ‘M6T’ team based in Suffolk.  

Exam successes at Wythall Radio Club!

July 15, 2018 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, News, Training

Nine happy students passed their Foundation exam at Wythall Radio Club.

Congratulations to Terry, Tim, Marcin, Mo, David, Darren, Andy S and Andy W, and Paul!  We hope to hear them on the air soon with their new M6 call signs.

The photos show them completing their practical assessments, and three of the successful candidates – Paul, Darren and Andy.

We expect that some will want to progress to the Intermediate course offered by Wythall Radio Club’s training team.  And some of the graduates from this course have recently signed-up to study for their Advanced amateur radio licence!

Perhaps there are more aspiring radio amateurs out there who would like to study our on-line courses? 

Further details are on the Wythall Radio Club web site or visit the Club which meets every Tuesday evening from 8pm at Wythall House, Silver Street, Wythall!

Wythall Fun Run almost here!

July 04, 2018 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, News

Runners and Wythall Radio Club members are getting ready for Sunday’s Wythall Fun Run 2018.

Over 20 members of the Radio Club will be providing communications and helping to marshal the event.

The Fun Run is a big draw for local runners and families.  Radio Club members always turn out in force, and use their skills and equipment to help ensure a successful and enjoyable day for all! 


Morse successes at Wythall Club!

June 18, 2018 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, News, Training

May is “Morse Code Appreciation” month at Wythall Radio Club – and some of our new members received special awards to mark their progress in learning the ‘dots and dashes’!

Harry M6NKW, Stuart M0SRZ, Ian 2E0LQY and Kim M6SSV were singled out for special praise.  Kim made his first ever Morse code contact – with a station in Germany – during one of the Club’s Friday morning ‘open shack’ sessions.

The overall winner of the Lew Williams Memorial Shield was Sue 2E0LUJ.  She not only learnt Morse code but also built a small transmitter/receiver.

The Club also recognised the contribution of members who teach and promote use of Morse Code, awarding certificates of commendation to John 2E0XET and John G4OJL.

So very well done to our members, and we look forward to hearing you try out your new skills on the air!


GB3WL back on air

June 05, 2018 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

Wythall Radio Club is pleased to announce that GB3WL, our 432Mhz repeater is now back on the air. 

Thankfully the the flood damage was not too severe and power has now been restored. 

GB3WL off the air due to severe weather

May 27, 2018 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, News

Wythall Radio Club is sad to announce that GB3WL is temporarily off the air. This is due to flooding in the area where the repeater is located.

The Wythall area itself was subject to an Amber warning of thunderstorms and rain earlier this evening – much of Wythall village has been under water with vehicles stranded around the area.

Sadly the location of the repeater was not immune to this either. The repeater itself is above water so that is not an issue, but the power to the repeater is, as is the D-STAR capability. Therefore we have had no alternative but to temporality power down the unit.

Needless to say, just as soon as we can assess the situation, the intention is to restore GB3WL to service as soon as possible.

Thanks for your understanding and patience.

Indian Ocean island contact!

April 24, 2018 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, News

‘Chasing a DXpedition requires a certain amount of commitment!’ writes Wythall Radio Club member Tim Beaumont MØURX.  ‘A little studying of what the team’s priorities are, a close eye on the propagation to decide your best band choices and a little bit of luck along the way!’

Here’s his report of chasing 3B7A operating from the tiny island of Saint Brandon in the Indian Ocean.

‘Saint Brandon in the Indian Ocean was last activated 11 years ago in 2007 when we had similar low sunspot conditions and poor radio propagation.

So to contact 3B7A on high frequency (HF) I was going to have to work them either early in the afternoon or later afternoon around tea time. With no sun spots and a Solar Flux Index of just 67, propagation doesn’t get much worse than that!  

Saturday morning I had seen them spotted on DXCluster on 20m, 17m and 15m, but nothing was heard here. 

I came back after a couple of hours and they were still working North America on 15m phone.  Then silence….  Just a brief “3B7A – stand by 5 [minutes]”…. I set my transmitter 8 KHz up from their frequency and poised my foot over the radio foot switch, ready for them to get back on air.  

It seemed an age and I wondered if they had just changed bands or mode? I decided to stay put… then “3B7A listening all stations 5 to 15 up”. The adrenaline starts pumping…. “Mike Zero Uniform Radio X-ray” hoping that the DX was also listening on the frequency I was calling…. “M0URX you’re 59” . I reply quickly “59 TU [Thank you]”

Wow, it doesn’t often happen like that, right place right time and luckily the pile up was sleeping at the re-start. By 6pm 3B7A’s HF signal quickly dropped and was lost for the day.’

Read Tim’s full report here!