wythall radio club

having fun with RF

Archive for the ‘News’

May = Morse

April 30, 2017 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News, Training

It’s that time of year again! Wythall Radio Club has an annual initiative during the month of May to appreciate Morse Code (CW), in memory of past club president and long-time CW teacher, Lew Williams.

Kev G4XLO won the shield in 2016

During the month we encourage all in the club to either a) have a first go at learning the code or b) improve on your rusty skills. :)

At the end of May we collect reports and anecdotes for how members have used, or learned the mode during the month. Sometimes people nominate themselves, other send reports in about other members’ achievements.
At the end of the month we have a presentation and summary of the reports received, and award the Lew Williams Shield to the club member who it’s felt has shown the most progression. 
It’s often easier for new learners to do well in this event, so why not have a go at learning and using Morse Code?

Five pass their Foundation!

April 30, 2017 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, News, Training

Click the pic for a better view!

Enid Blyton would be proud! Thanks to the Wythall Radio Club Training Team, there are 5 new entrants to our wonderful hobby today.

Our online Foundation Course is very popular these days and attracts people from all around the East and West Midlands.

Congratulations from the whole club then go to (left to right in the photo) David from Stratford-upon-Avon, Ian from Warwick (at rear), Ben (aged 10) from Swadlincote in Derbyshire and Kim from Stratford-upon-Avon. (Sadly Carl from Redditch is not pictured)

Our thanks as always to our training team and invigilators.

We are now looking towards May 13th & 14th when three more online Foundation students will be taking their practical assessments and examination. Watch this space!

Newsletter News

April 19, 2017 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

Thanks to club member Chris G3YHF, Wythall Radio Club has a new resource on this website. 

Chris has put together an index to all the articles available in the many club newsletters archived here.

All you have to do is visit our Newsletters page here and click the link at the top.  

Once in the pdf file, you can simply click on the links to go straight to the relevant newsletter and find the article you are interested in.

Alternatively, just click here to go straight to the file and start playing!

It’s a fantastic resource and we hope you like it.

Fantastic Hamfest!

March 19, 2017 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, Hamfest, News

What a great day! The 2017 Wythall Hamfest was once again a great success.

Thank you to all the traders who came along, to all of our visitors (yes you!) for making the trek to our neck of the woods and of course, to our Hamfest team of volunteers who worked so hard to put the event on.

Thanks too to Wythall House for hosting the event, Burger Bob for his great selection of food and drink and to PC Albutt and the local constabulary for their great support too.

We will soon post photos of the day below – keep checking back over the next few days as we continue to add more!

It’s Hamfest Time!

March 18, 2017 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, Hamfest, News

Empty today, Radioworld tomorrow!

The time has almost come – Wythall Hamfest is upon us. 

Tomorrow from 10am, you can join hundreds of fellow enthusiasts in browsing the many stalls, catching up with friends, eating the tastiest burgers in the Midlands(!) or sampling the real ale in Wythall House’s real ale bar (from noon)

Alternatively you could just buy a new radio! Why not? Radioworld will be there!

And the really great news is that this year, wait for it, there is loads of free parking! 

Traders will be crammed in here in the morning!

Yes, we have secured use of Wythall Park field for on-site parking – so there’s no need to park in the streets nearby, just follow the street signs and the marshals’ instructions and we will park you close to the exhibition halls.

This year’s Hamfest will be the best ever – don’t miss it! 

See you tomorrow!

Latest Club Newsletter out now!

March 01, 2017 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

The very latest edition of the Wythall Radio Club newsletter is out today.

This edition features news about our Christmas Contest, more information on recent Training Courses, and some fascinating technical articles.

One not to be missed is written by Ian M0IDR on old Practical Wireless Marchwood Power Supplies – probably the most popular home-made PSU of its day.

Click here or on the Newsletter Graphic or look for the Newsletter Section on the left hand sidebar of this site and enjoy!

3 new Foundation Licensees

February 28, 2017 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, News, Training

Barry, Marian & Stuart are now awaiting their shiny new callsigns!

Following a successful Foundation Licence Course run by the Wythall Radio Club Training Department, we now have three new entrants to the hobby. 

Our congratulations to Barry Garrison, Marian Tonge & Stuart Griffiths. Our commiserations also go to Ed Smith, who was just one mark off passing the exam, held last night at the Club. A re-take should solve that though and then Ed can join his colleagues with their new callsigns.

Our thanks to Wythall Club members, Chris G0EYO, Roger M0GWM, Peter G4LWF, John G4OJL, Dave G3YXM and David G0ICJ for running the course & exam. 

Perhaps our new licensees will be thinking of joining our next Intermediate Course, starting soon? Watch this space!

RSGB Night!

February 25, 2017 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, News

This Tuesday at Wythall Radio Club, we are pleased to welcome one of our local representatives from the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB).

John Storey, G8SH, is coming to visit us to update the club on the latest goings-on in our national society.

This will be the first time John has visited us in his new role, so we are looking forward to giving him a very warm Wythall welcome (complete with a pint, no doubt!)

Why not come along and join us to see what John has to report? Tuesday 28th February at 20:30 in the Club Shack, Wythall House, Silver Street, B47 6LZ.

Wythall Hamfest News

February 23, 2017 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Hamfest, News

Browsers at last year’s Hamfest!

Now that the Wythall Hamfest is fast approaching, here is an up-to-date newsflash for you. 

The list of traders is now available here, so why not check out exactly who is coming to sell this year?

Our friends from Radioworld UK are of course the headliners but there are plenty of supporting acts too.

Weblinks have been provided on the Traders’ Page if you want to have a look at traders’ websites before you come along.

Wythall Hamfest is almost here – Sunday 19th March at 10.00am is the date – so don’t miss out!

Christmas Contest Cartoon

February 21, 2017 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News

For regular followers of the Wythall Radio Club Christmas Contest, you will know that Stu M0NYP produces an annual cartoon to capture the essence of the event.

2016/17 is no exception and here it is!

Normally Stu gets it out in time for the results evening but due to circumstances beyond his control, it has only just been completed.

Click on the image to see it in its full glory… and enjoy!

For the results, check out the earlier post on this website here.