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Archive for the ‘News’

Top Spot on the World’s Favourite Hamstore

March 16, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Hamfest, News

With the Wythall Hamfest just days away, how fantastic to see our event getting top billing at Martin Lynch & Sons websiteMLS Hamfest

ML&S bill themselves as the “World’s Favourite Hamstore” and indeed their reputation goes well beyond the UK; a reputation for excellence in both customer service and in doing great deals on all kinds of Amateur Radio gear.

We like to think of our event as the “Midlands’ Favourite Hamfest” and we are delighted that ML&S are visiting us for the very first time.

There will be extra special prices on the day but you can take advantage of those early by calling ML&S and pre-ordering your Hamfest goodies by quoting the code “Wythall Hamfest” when you call.

0345 2300 599 is the ML&S Hotline – order today for Sunday pick-up at the Hamfest!

Three New Recruits & Another Course…

March 15, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

Michael, Jonathan & Greg

Michael, Jonathan & Greg with pass certificates

In amongst all the excitement over the Wythall Radio Club Hamfest this coming Sunday, it is easy to forget that this is not the only activity going on at our club.

Last night was the culmination of the latest Foundation course and the great news is that all three candidates passed with flying colours.

Training Co-ordinator Chris G0EYO said “All three candidates passed with excellent marks tonight. Well done to Michael, young Jonathan & Greg. Those M6 callsigns will soon be available for you to pick up from Ofcom but don’t get too used to them – we have an Intermediate course starting in early May.”

So that’s let the cat out of the bag then! Click here for news on the next Intermediate Course at Wythall Radio Club.

Meantime, back to dreaming of Hamfests…

Packed to the Gunnels…

March 13, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, Hamfest, News

Yes, the Wythall Radio Club Hamfest is now officially full!


It will be busier than 2015 this year!

The final traders were confirmed this weekend and, despite overflowing into a fourth hall in order to accommodate more stalls, we have still managed to fill all the spaces.

And for the first time, we have a lecture stream too, with three visiting speakers. All the details will be on your souvenir programme, which you get on admission.

Now it’s over to you, the amateur radio public! We look forward to seeing you at one of the largest Wythall Hamfests in recent years.

Next Sunday 20th March starting at 10am at Wythall House & Park, Silver Street, Wythall B47 6LZ.

Crossing our fingers, it looks like we are in for dry weather all week too… well, it’s important to get one’s burgers and bacon sarnies in the dry!

Hamfest Bargains – Part 3

March 11, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, Hamfest, News

9 days and counting to the 31st Annual Wythall Radio Club Hamfest on Sunday 20th March at Wythall House B47 6LZ.

And it’s not just the big radios that will be on offer from our main trader on the day, Martin Lynch & Sons.


Why not make 2016 the year you finally enter the world of Software Defined Radio? There are many low cost routes into this fascinating aspect of the hobby.

One such is the UK designed and built Funcube Dongle Pro Plus.


This little powerhouse receiver has a typical frequency coverage of 150kHz to 260MHz and 410MHz to 2.05GHz. That covers pretty much ALL the main Amateur bands – and much more besides!

Boasting extremely simple hardware setup, just two connections, an “in” and an “out”, no additional drivers are required to use it under Windows, Linux or Mac OSX.

This fantastic USB dongle will be on sale at the Wythall Hamfest at a VERY special price – to reserve yours, it is highly recommended that you pre-order by calling ML&S on 0345 2300 599 and quote the code “WYTHALL HAMFEST” – this will not only guarantee you get one on the day but also you will get the best price possible!

Martin Lynch & Sons – the Worlds Favourite Ham Store – coming soon to the West Midlands Favourite HamFest

Just a handful of tables left…

March 05, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Hamfest, News

…at the Wythall Hamfest, that is!


Will one of these tables be yours?

Rally co-ordinator Mike G4VPD informs us that our annual Hamfest on Sunday 20th March is now pretty much at capacity.

If you are a trader reading this, and you want a space for your wares, PLEASE be quick.

Even with an extra hall this year, trading space is limited and Mike now needs you to call him on his mobile (rather than email him) if you want to take one of the final table spaces.

Grab Mike on 07976 744479 to reserve your space.

Meantime, for those of us just coming along to enjoy the day, rest assured there will be plenty of folk looking to take your hard-earned off you!

Click here for a look at the latest list of traders – and see you on the glorious 20th at Wythall House B47 6LZ.

Latest Wythall Radio Club Newsletter out

March 04, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

The latest Wythall Radio Club Newsletter has just hit the streets – well, it’s hit this website at least… Screenshot 2016-03-04 19.30.33

Just click here (or on the thumbnail picture on the right) for the latest in-depth look at what some members have been up to in the last couple of months.

As well as the latest news, there are fascinating articles on a home-brew 200w Multiband Transceiver built by member Barry M0DGQ and a couple of articles from Ian M0IDR with some Hamfest nostalgia thrown in for good measure!

Newsletter Editor Chris G0EYO commented “I hope all our readers will enjoy this pre-hamfest edition” – we thank him for putting it together and we trust you will enjoy it too.

Nearly full!

March 03, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Hamfest, News

As the date for Wythall Hamfest fast approaches, Wythall Radio Club is pleased to announce more good news.


Browsing at the 2015 Hamfest

There are now only very limited spaces left for traders at our annual Hamfest event.

Sunday 20th March is the date this year and even though it is a little later in the month than usual, once again we have been deluged with traders wanting to attend.

Even with an extra hall this year, we look as though we will be at capacity.

And with Martin Lynch & Sons heading the trader list, it would not be surprising to see more folk attending too!

Any traders still wishing to have a stall should get in touch very quickly now, as we expect the remaining spots to be gone within a few more days.

And don’t forget we also have a lecture stream this year with 3 talks planned, on HF, DMR and Kite antennas!

Make sure you have the details in your diary – Sunday 20th March, 10.00am at Wythall House, Silver Street, B47 6LZ – don’t miss it!

Hamfest Bargains – Part 2

February 25, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Hamfest, News

Less than a month now till the 2016 Wythall Hamfest and we have more news of great bargains for you, thanks to the support from our main trader Martin Lynch & Sons, “The World’s Favourite Ham Store”


This week we are featuring the Kenwood TS-590SG. This is a very popular radio here at Wythall Radio Club – quite a few members have one. Without exception, it is a radio that garners great comments, both on the air and for it’s ease of use. The receiver in particular is really sensitive and selective – which is why so many TS-590s have found their way into contest setups.

Reviews on the web regularly laud the TS-590SG as one of the very best bargains available in Ham Radio today. Why not make 2016 the year you grab one of these great rigs?

If you are interested in a TS-590SG (at the very best price and pickup on the day of the Wythall Hamfest of course!) just contact one of the sales guys at Martin Lynch and Sons on 0345 2300 599

Please remember to quote the code “WYTHALL HAMFEST” – to ensure you get the best “on the day deal” before the big day.

Wythall Radio Club & Martin Lynch & Sons – “The World’s Favourite Ham Store” at the Wythall Hamfest!

More Attractions at Wythall Hamfest 2016

February 21, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Hamfest, News

More news about Wythall Hamfest this year!

The latest is that we have a Radio Society of Great Britain stall in attendance; local reps will be answering your queries and they will also have a fully-stocked bookstall, something always appreciated by “hamfesters”.


Kite flying at the 2015 Hamfest

Following the success of last year’s event, we are also putting on some short talks.

Roger Stafford G4ROJ will be on the park field behind the halls flying kite antennas from early on and he will also be giving a short presentation later in the day; one of the top UK contesters Lee Volante G0MTN will be showing you how to build a really effective HF station –  maybe worth a visit before you buy your new HF rig from Martin Lynch? And local Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) guru Noel G8NDT will be on hand with a DMR Q & A session where you can ask anything you wish and hopefully get an answer.

So Wythall Hamfest is well-named this year – not just stalls and traders, but talks and demos too – a real “fest” for Hams!

Make sure you are there – the best radio day out in the Midlands takes place on Sunday 20th March at 10:00 at Wythall House, Silver Street B47 6LZ

Hamfest Bargains – Part 1

February 16, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, Hamfest, News

The clock is ticking towards the next Wythall Hamfest on Sunday 20th March and Wythall Radio Club is pleased to be able to offer some extra special deals together with our main trader Martin Lynch & Sons, “The World’s Favourite Ham Store”.


Featured first in this mini-series of deals is the fantastic Yaesu FT-dx1200 – this rig provides sophisticated operation on 160 to 6 meters with up to 100 Watts on SSB, CW, and FM. A built-in 4.3-in TFT wide full color High Resolution Display with loads of information provides superior operability and visibility. More details are available on the MLS site here.

FTdx1200 MLS
If you are interested in one of these radios at a very special price (and pickup on the day of the Wythall Hamfest of course!) just contact one of the sales guys at Martin Lynch and Sons on 0345 2300 599 and quote the code “Wythall Hamfest”.

This will ensure you get the best “on the day deals” before the big day and of course, with free pickup from the event, no carriage charges either!

Wythall Radio Club & Martin Lynch & Sons – bringing you the very best deals at the Wythall Hamfest!