wythall radio club

having fun with RF

Archive for the ‘News’

The CAIRO Interface Scheme

February 13, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

CairoHands up those who have heard of the CAIRO Interface Scheme? Well, not many, and that includes our own members here at Wythall Radio Club!


What on earth is this?? Find out next week!

This Tuesday 16th Feb though, all is going to be revealed!

Club member Dr. Pete Best G8CQH is a bit of an expert on this and is going to be presenting a talk so we can find out more about CAIRO.  (Hint, it stands for Communications Audio Interface for Remote Operations)

CAIRO involves enhancing your home station with standardised signals and connectors, but there’s more to it than just that.

Pete has a page on his website where you can have a sneak peek if you are really keen!

However, hearing from the man himself and the opportunity to ask questions is always better, so come along this Tuesday at 8.30pm to Wythall House, Silver Street, Wythall B47 6LZ and join us to find out more!

Martin Lynch & Sons to visit Wythall Hamfest

February 11, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Hamfest, News


There’s big news for the Wythall Hamfest this year – we have just heard that the “world’s favourite ham store”, Martin Lynch & Sons are to take pride of place as top trader!


Wythall member Jamie 2E0SDV picked up his Kenwood TS-590SG from Martin Lynch’s recently

ML&S recently celebrated 25 years trading in the Amateur Radio market and are well known throughout the UK and Europe as one of the largest suppliers of equipment.

They regularly show their commitment to the Ham Radio scene by their continued sponsorship of events such as the RSGB Convention and the TXFactor video programme among many others.

Their stalls are to be seen at the RSGB National UK Hamfest – you can even find them in Germany at the Friedrichshafen event!

It is quite a coup therefore to have them come up the M40 from London to attend the Wythall Hamfest 2016.

The guys at the store want our readers to know they are very happy for any pre-orders to be picked up at our Hamfest – just get in touch on 0345 2300 599 or via their website, make your order and pick it up (carriage free of course!) on Sunday 20th March.

It’s another great reason to make sure a trip to Wythall is on your wish list this year!

Better Late Than Never!

February 09, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News

Following on from the previous news item, tonight has seen yet more presentations at Wythall Radio Club. G7IBO

Christmas Contest Winner David G7IBO finally got home from France and up to the Club to receive the G7OJO Trophy for the Open Section. It’s been a few years of coming second for young David, but this year he finally managed to get his hands on the trophy! Well done to you, sir!

M6KETJohn M6KET also was on hand to receive his certificate for the highest placed Foundation Licensee in the same section.  What was particularly remarkable about John’s achievement was the fact that all his contacts were made using Morse Code. John is unusual in being 100% Morse and Low Power.

Well done to both and great to see such fun being had on our regular Tuesday Club nights. Thank goodness that contest supremo Lee G0MTN was on hand to do the presentations!

Christmas Contest Results

January 27, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News


David G7IBO received his award in Val d’Isere where he is skiing!

It’s Christmas Contest Results time at Wythall Radio Club.

Contest supremo Lee G0MTN was in the hot seat last night to give us a presentation on the facts and figures of the 2015 event and reveal the changing trends in the contest across the years.

Pretty much half the club’s total membership of over 80 took part in the event at some point and once again the contest succeeded in its main aim, to ensure that members “Have Fun with RF” (as the club’s motto goes) over the festive season.


Lee G0MTN awards the FM trophy to a beaming Ian M0IDR

And to the results then – two brand new winners this year: Club Treasurer, Ian M0IDR was the victor in the 2m/70cms FM section, quite an achievement all the way from Evesham(!) – just pipping Chair Anita 2E0DUO into second place.

The overall winner in the open section though (and winner of the G7OJO Trophy) was David G7IBO.  He won by a whisker from first time entrant (and new Advanced licensee) Dave M0IFT, who ran him extremely close for a first time entry – one to watch for next year maybe?

Congratulations to all winners and runners-up and we hope to see you all again for our Easter event at the end of March, when some serious prizes of Chocolate Easter Eggs will be up for grabs!

Foundation License Course announced

January 21, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, News, Training

Wythall Radio Club is pleased to announce that our next two Foundation Courses will be commencing this February.

The Record Breakers! (L to R) Jonathon, Zaid, Dave, Mat, Zach, William, Alastair and Kevin

Wythall Radio Club’s 2015 Foundation Successes

We are running a classroom-based course starting on Monday 8th February at 8pm in our shack in the basement at Wythall House, Silver St, Wythall, B47 6LZ.

Alongside this, we are also running an “on-line” version of the course – this is for those who are not local to Wythall or cannot be available on Monday evenings.

This course starts on the 15th February, but please note that you need to register for this by 1st February, which its not that far away!

More information is available on our training page here.

If you are interested in either course, please contact Chris G0EYO on his email address, g0eyo(at)blueyonder.co.uk

A Visit from the RSGB General Manager

January 16, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News


Graham Coomber G0NBI meeting Business Secretary, Sajid Javid, in Wythall Radio Club’s shack in 2013

This Tuesday evening is an exciting one in the Wythall Radio Club Calendar. We have a visit from the General Manager of our National Society the Radio Society of Great Britain.

Graham Coomber G0NBI has been in post for about 4 years now and this week’s visit is all the more poignant for being his last to us in the role – this is because he recently announced his imminent retirement.

It will be great to see Graham again, not least because he is not only an official representative of our National Society but also because, along with his wife Von, he is very much a friend of our club.

20:30 in the Darts Room at Wythall House, if you want to come along – set your GPS for Silver Street, Wythall B47 6LZ and it should bring you to us nicely!

Contest Success for Wythall Radio Club

January 08, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News

Wythall Radio Club members are celebrating today following the release of the latest set of contest results.

Club members recently took part in the RSGB’s Club Calls Contest (November last year) and the results show that Wythall RC has finished in 2nd place, after a few years finishing 3rd.Certificate

Our congratulations go to the winners, Bristol Contest Group, who are a very hard act to beat, but with our team of “ordinary” club members pulling together, we managed what we consider to be an excellent result.

However, the results also show that we are the top non-contest club in the country in this event, something of which we are very proud. Pictured is our hard-earned certificate.

Our thanks go especially to our Club Calls Contest co-ordinator Dave G3YXM who whips us into shape each year for our regular assault on the event.

Perhaps next year, we can steal the top spot!

The Key to Success?

January 06, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News, Training

We hope it will be, for the key in question is Wythall Radio Club’s brand new Morse Paddle Key. IMG_0686

For some time now, our More Code training class, ably led by the “Two Johns” M6KET & G4OJL, have been short of their own twin paddle key.  No longer!

IMG_0681Last night at the club, Chairwoman Anita 2E0DUO presented the class with a brand new Kent key, with help from our friends at Martin Lynch & Sons.

John Bevan G4OJL received the key on behalf of the group saying, “This is a fantastic addition to our class – it allows us to start teaching members how to use paddle keys more effectively. Thanks to the Club Committee for OK-ing the purchase so quickly.”

Wythall Radio Club’s  Morse Class has been running now for around 5 years and remains very popular with members. If you are interested in taking part, why not contact John M6KET by contacting him at john (at) johndaws (dot) plus (dot) com? Meantime, click on the photos for a better look at our new baby!

Happy New Year from Wythall Radio Club!

January 01, 2016 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Contest, News

h2The members of Wythall Radio Club wish all radio amateurs worldwide the very best of New Year wishes. May all your New Year desires come true in 2016!

Remember to subscribe to our site via email (left) to make sure you keep up to date with all the news from our busy club!

For our part we will be having fun with RF throughout 2016 with a full programme of events planned, including our annual Hamfest on March 20th, to keep members and non-members happy.  See our calendar page for more details!

We hope to see YOU in 2016!

January 2016 Club Newsletter out now!

December 31, 2015 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

The latest edition of the Wythall Radio Club Newsletter is out today!

Yes – even though we have not quite reached the New Year yet, Wythall Radio Club are ahead of the game and the first Newsletter of 2016 is available for download.

Just click here or on the Newsletter logo on the left hand sidebar of this website.

Happy reading…