Cleaning up our act!
At Wythall Radio Club, we are fortunate to have in our possession a rather excellent 100ft tall Mobile Versatower.
Thanks to a good turnout of club members this morning, we were able to give it a good check over and clean-up before its use on the forthcoming VHF field day on July 4th & 5th.
After a few years of non-use, we were delighted to find no major problems like stuck brakes or flat tyres and the winches both worked OK.
Grease, oil, and WD40 were liberally applied to various parts before the whole thing was trundled across Wythall Park for a blast with a power washer.
It’s now no longer quite as green as it was(!) and we should be able to put out a nice big signal with our aerials high up this field day.
We would like to say thanks to all club members who turned up to help and to Phil 2E0WTH who bullied us into doing it!