Club Contests & Trophies
The club holds a number of contests or activities each year specifically for club members, for which Trophies are awarded
Christmas and Easter Contests
Each Christmas and Easter the club hold a contest which encourages club members to work each other over the holiday period and based on the number of QSO’s a member has over the holiday period, of which the best; 5 days for Christmas or 3 days for Easter; times the number of QSOs over the whole contest period gives you a score. There are two sections for each contest and members can choose to enter one or the other to win a trophy. The Trophies are named after members who have sadly passed and who were active in club affairs and often participants in the contests themselves.
These are the trophies:
David Dawkes G0ICJ Shield – Winner All Bands / Modes Section Easter Contest (since 2019)
Colin Baker G6ZDQ Shield – Winner 2m / 70cm FM Section Easter Contest (since 2019)
Reg Brown G7OJO Trophy – Winner Open Section Christmas Contest
Jim Tonge 2E0BLP Trophy – Winner 2m / 70cm FM Section Christmas Contest

G0ICJ All Band Easter Contest Shield

G6ZDQ 2m/70cm Bands Easter Contest Shield

G7OJO All Band and 2E0BLP 2m/70cm FM Christmas Contest Trophies
Results and certificate and trophy presentations are given out at an appropriate Tuesday meeting after the contest has run and been adjudicated.
The winners of both the Christmas and Easter contests for past 23 years are shown in a separate table here
Lew Williams CW shield
Lew Williams was an early CB member of the club who never became licensed, but spent many years teaching other member Morse or CW so that they could pass their examination to become an A class Licence holder (now called Full Licence). Lew passed away in 2011 and in memory of his service on behalf of the club, a shield is presented to the member who has shown most advancement in gaining CW skills throughout the year. The winner is judged by a small committee currently chaired by John M6KET/2E0XET.

Lew Williams CW Shield
Lew Williams Shield Winners
2021 – Stuart M0SRZ
2020 – Stuart M0SRZ
2019 – Dave M0IFT
2018 – Sue 2E0LUJ
2017 – Jamie M0SDV
2016 – Kev G4XLO
2015 – Alf G1MJO
2014 – John M6KET
2013 – John G4OJL
2012 – Chris G0EYO
Colin Truran M0GJM Fox Hunting shield
For many years the club held a Fox Hunt which entailed a “Fox” with a 2m transmitter in their vehicle going off and parking up somewhere in an area defined on a map given out beforehand and transmitting every 10 mins for 2 minutes. Other members “Hounds” would use their hand held directional antennas to determine the bearing from their present location the 2m transmission was coming from and would head off in that direction, park up and take another bearing. This would continue until the Fox was found and the Hound who found the Fox more than once on the day would be winner of the shield for that year.
Colin Truran M0GJM Foxhunt Trophy Winners

Colin Truran M0GJM Fox Hunting Shield
2016 – Jon M0JMM and Phil 2E0WTH
2015 – Juliet M6RSC and David G7IBO
2014 – Colin G6ZDQ
2013 – Steven 2E0SDD and Stacey M6STJ