Construction fun!
Wythall Radio Club members were certainly living up to their motto of “Having Fun with RF” last night!

Barry M0DGQ assists David G7IBO (left) & Juliet M6RSC
20 members crowded into the club classroom, soldering stations at the ready, to have a go at building the M0DGQ designed TRF Radio Receiver. In truth, most of us did not know what to expect, but Barry, the project designer, handed out our bags full of components and led us very professionally through the build. Suffice it to say that it did get rather warm with 20 or so soldering irons adding to the general bodily warmth(!) and as the photos show, things were a little cramped!

Feeling hot, hot, hot!
Nonetheless, all the participants thoroughly enjoyed themselves and much banter was heard during the 2½ hour session. We had started at 1930 but had to wrap up by 2200 as we were all getting too tired!
A couple of folk managed to finish the project to the point where they could get their receivers tested by Barry, but the rest will either be finished at home or at this Friday’s shack social evening.
Many comments were heard to the effect of “we must do more of this”. However, the preparation involved was considerable so thanks must go to designer and teacher Barry M0DGQ for his time and efforts in sourcing materials and preparing the project so well. We do indeed look forward to doing more construction work!