Field-day Fun at Wythall Club
Warm weather, good company and lots of RF were on hand for Wythall Radio Club’s ‘Plug and Play’ field day last Saturday.
The advance party of Phil 2E0WTH and Kev 2E0NCO collected the pop-up gazebos from the club room at 8.30am, Martin G8VXX delivered his generator, and Ian M0LQY had the first station on the air by 9.15.
12 members and Brambles the spaniel joined in the fun.
We had 6 stations on the air on HF and VHF, using SSB, CW and FT8.
Antennas included long wires, a delta loop, multi-band dipoles, a Moxon, vehicle-mounted HF and VHF verticals, and colinears for 2m. Unfortunately, the wind was too light for the 5/8ths on 80m kite vertical.
We used a large field in Wythall Park, where our Club is located. There was considerable debate about the best method to get cord over the oak tree branches to support the long wires.
We used a fishing catapault and reel as well as a weight, both being successful (see photo)
We chose this Saturday to coincide with the IARU HF Contest so there would be lots of activity on SSB
and CW, although we weren’t entering the contest and had lots of time to chat with stations on 2 meters FM and non-contest stations on HF.
Lee G0MTN had several spells working contest stations on both modes. He made over 100 qsos despite Brambles wanted him to throw a stick!(see photo).
Meanwhile, Ian M0LQY was busy on FT8 – especially on 20m and 17m – with DX highpoints working VP2EIH in Anquilla and Club member Chris G0EYO in nearby Redditch!
He was using the new Xiegu600 – reviewed in a recent RadCom by Wythall Club’s own Dave G(M)3YXM – with a Xiegu linear and 124.5′ long wire with a 17′ counterpoise.
PSK spots show he was getting worldwide coverage – nice!!
We were delighted to be joined by Jim 2E0BLP, and were able to present him with the Colin Baker G6ZDQ Easter Contest VHF/UHF Shield for winning this section in our Easter contest.
All field days rely on a good supply of nourishment, and some members brewed-up and cooked bacon and eggs. Our fun day together ended with a fish and chip supper.
We packed up and left the field about 12 hours after we arrived – having had lots of fun with RF!
Besides those mentioned above, the Club’s field day also attracted: Les 2E0LRV, Warwick G4WMH, Stu M0NYP, Milo 2E0YZW, Chris G3YHF and visitors Mike 2E0ILX and spaniel Brambles.