wythall radio club

having fun with RF

G15YOTA visits Wythall

December 22, 2015 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

Wythall Radio Club has been playing host to an international special event callsign today. Jamie

YOTAG15YOTA is the special callsign for Youth On The Air and is active throughout December. And today, our star 15-year-old, Jamie 2E0SDV has been operating it solo while under supervision from the club shack.

If you worked G15YOTA today, you will have spoken with Jamie, who is using the club’s Kenwood TS-590S.

Spare a thought for the young lad though; with no voice recorder, he’s been calling CQ in person all day! Perhaps our friends at Kenwood UK can sort us out a VGS-3 voice board to help Jamie out in future?