GB3WL inches closer

It’s finished and ready to go, almost!
Wythall Radio Club’s new 70cms repeater GB3WL is getting ever closer.
The modified Tait unit’s inner workings have been completed on the test bench of G1YFF in Cambridge and delivered to the club for public show at tomorrow night’s (Tuesday 10th June) Committee Meeting.
Repeater Keeper Dave Pick G3YXM said, “This is another milestone in our repeater project. It is great to have the repeater complete and ready to go. As soon as the license to operate GB3WL arrives, we will aim to get the repeater on the air as quickly as possible”
Another recent development has seen Wythall Radio Club gain a community grant towards GB3WL’s antenna system. A spanking brand-new commercial 4 stacked folded dipole array will be in use for GB3WL, courtesy of club member John Smout M1JSS and his employers, our friends at Western Power Distribution. We hope to have more news on this exciting development soon.
So while we await the Notice of Variation that allows GB3WL to become “live”, it seems that Wythall members have more than a little antenna rigging work to do!