Having fun with QRP

A 20m QRP Transceiver by Barry M0DGQ built mostly using common components from a junk box – click the photo for more information
In the ranks of Wythall Radio Club there are several members who have an interest in QRP work. QRP is a recognised radio Q-code for using low power.
You might wonder why anyone would deliberately want to use lower power than necessary to make radio contacts, but there is a kind of inverse pleasure in trying to see if you can maintain a contact with less power than a kids’ nightlight!
This Tuesday at Wythall Radio Club, one of our own QRP aficionados, Barry M0DGQ, who has written several construction articles for the G-QRP Club, will be taking us through what appeals to him in using low power, particularly as it pertains to using Morse Code. QRP is very close to the original spirit of Ham Radio in that it uses Morse Code and home-built equipment.
Expect some very practical stuff and quite a few examples of QRP gear and tips on how easy it is to build your own QRP equipment.
This Tuesday 17th March at 2030 in the Club Shack, Wythall House, Silver Street, Wythall. B47 6LZ and visitors are welcome, as always.