Just a handful of tables left…
…at the Wythall Hamfest, that is!

Will one of these tables be yours?
Rally co-ordinator Mike G4VPD informs us that our annual Hamfest on Sunday 20th March is now pretty much at capacity.
If you are a trader reading this, and you want a space for your wares, PLEASE be quick.
Even with an extra hall this year, trading space is limited and Mike now needs you to call him on his mobile (rather than email him) if you want to take one of the final table spaces.
Grab Mike on 07976 744479 to reserve your space.
Meantime, for those of us just coming along to enjoy the day, rest assured there will be plenty of folk looking to take your hard-earned off you!
Click here for a look at the latest list of traders – and see you on the glorious 20th at Wythall House B47 6LZ.