Morse Mad!
Wythall Radio Club has been going Morse Mad this May!

Lee G0MTN (adjudicator) with John and Certificate
In honour of our late president, Lew Williams, who coached many senior members through the old 12 words per minute Morse test, we nominated each May as a month in which members can make a special effort to improve their code skills. We award a shield to the person who in the adjudicator’s opinion has shown the most progress. It is not a competition, more of a nomination for progress. This Tuesday the results of the 2013 award were announced.
Two certificates of merit were awarded before the “Lew Williams Shield” was presented; John (no call-sign yet!) joined our club Morse class during 2013 as a precursor to getting a licence. His progress has been phenomenal and when he passes his license later this month, he will be Wythall Radio Club’s first ever Foundation Licensee to make his debut on air on CW!
Alf G1MJO is in his late 80s and never passed the old Morse test but has shown real stick-ability and persistence, even appearing on air and taking some faster Morse sent by other members with a very high level of accuracy.
The main award however went to John G4OJL who was a founder member of the club in the early 1980’s. He rejoined us last autumn, having never used CW on air, indeed he was not on air for nearly 30 years! Returning to the club, he found a new love for radio and especially learning the code and has spent every day (bar one!) since last autumn doing 30 minutes of practice a day! Now he is exclusively a Morse Man on HF.
Tuesday was a very moving evening for those present. We trust the pictures give you a flavour of what it was like to be there!