wythall radio club

having fun with RF

Off to hunt a fox!

December 26, 2013 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

Tomorrow, December 27th, is a very important date in the life of Wythall Radio Club. It signifies a morning of “hunting the fox”!

dftrophy 004Now real foxhunting is currently illegal in the UK in the traditional sense of the term, but to radio enthusiasts, it is all about trying to find a hidden radio transmitter (the “fox”), transmitting at short intervals every 10 minutes or so. This is not therefore an activity that one needs an amateur licence for and so is an event that friends and relatives can (and do!) join in with.

In true Wythall tradition, it ends with lunch at a nearby pub (well it would have to really!) and many tales will be told of how close people were to finding the “fox” first!

And this year, there is a special trophy (pictured left) in honour of Colin Truran M0GJM, (who sadly passed away in the last month) which will be presented to the teams who found the “foxes”.

We can’t think of a better way to honour the memory of a man who absolutely adored this event!