wythall radio club

having fun with RF

Jamie’s amateur radio takes him far!

March 14, 2018 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun

Wythall Radio Club member Jamie, M0SDV is off on his travels again!

Jamie, who is still relatively a youngster at the tender age of 17, will shortly be operating from Bonaire, a small Caribbean island in the Leeward Antilles.  

From March 24 – 25, he will be joining an international team of operators for the global ‘CQ WPX (Worked Prefix) Contest’. 

The team – who in addition to Jamie include Philipp DK6SP, Steve PJ4DX, Peter PJ4NX and Bert PJ4KY – have been allocated the call sign PJ4V.

Good luck, Jamie!  More news as we receive it!



Special lecture at Wythall Hamfest

March 12, 2018 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, Hamfest, News

What is so different about this HT?

Wythall Radio Club is pleased to announce a special lecture at this year’s Hamfest.

Club member Chris G7DDN will be giving a talk entitled “Network Radios – The Next Big Thing?”

If you’ve not heard of Network Radios, then this would be a good time to find out what all the fuss is about – if you have heard of them, this is a good opportunity to lean more and even have a bit of a hands on!

Chris’s writings on the subject have already created a bit of stir in the Amateur World. Extracts of his articles are being featured in upcoming editions of Practical Wireless magazine. You can read Chris’s musings on Network Radios here and here, if you want to gen up before the day.

The lecture will take place in the Wythall Radio Club shack at 11.00am on Hamfest day – Sunday 25th March.

Another good reason to come along this year!

Wythall Hamfest latest update

March 11, 2018 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club

Wythall Hamfest is well and truly full, report Wythall Radio Club. 

All tables for Sunday 25th March have been taken. 

We welcome back Radioworld UK – one of our regulars – as well as new traders – including Sotabeams and Stick ‘n Stich.

Click here to take a sneak peek at who will be there!  Or see the panel to the right of this post.

Doors open 1000 (0930 for disabled access).  You might need to set your alarms, as the clocks go forward that weekend.

More news on our Hamfest as the date approaches, but it is looking like being one of, if not THE best, yet!


New Trader at Wythall Hamfest

March 08, 2018 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, Hamfest, News

As part of an occasional series, we are featuring some of the new traders you will see that this year’s Wythall Radio Club Hamfest

The SNS Workshop near Wythall

Stick ‘n’ Stitch are a local embroidery company who produce, among other things, the Wythall Radio Club Polo Shirts and other clothing. 

In addition they produce other promotional items such as mugs. 

Wythall Radio Club members have been pre-ordering purchases from Stick ‘n’ Stitch, as there will be a limited amount of embroidery they will be able to do on the day, due to time limitations.

If you are interested in having your callsign on a piece of clothing, why not have a look at their website and pre-order too?

Remember the Wythall Hamfest is on Sunday 25th March at 10am. Don’t miss it!

No frozen toes at Wythall Radio Club!

March 06, 2018 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club

This could have been the operators meeting at Wythall Radio Club’s usual Friday-morning-in-the-shack during the current snowy spell…..

…. But we instead we met up on the air!!

John M6KET sensibly called a postponement.  And rather than meet in person we had some CW qsos on 80 meters, involving Club members John M6KET, John G4OJL and Chris G3YHF.

We then adjourned to 2 meters FM and had additional contacts with Club members Jim 2E0BLP and Pete M5DUO/M.

That /P in the snow does look like a novel kind of ‘fun with RF’, though!  Maybe next year! 

Network radio – can we afford to ignore it?

March 04, 2018 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club

“Network radio expands our hobby”, Wythall Radio Club members were told at a talk by Chris G7DDN

This growing network of handheld and mobile radios has global coverage, via WiFI and the cellular 2-4G network.

And the International Radio Network (IRN) allows licensed radio amateurs to use their mobile phones, tablets, computers or network radios to transmit RF from the many repeaters, hubs and nodes around the world. 

“It’s easy to dismiss the whole network radio phenomenon as ‘not real Ham Radio'”, says Chris, “But there are plenty of folk enjoying radio-like experiences without the necessity of transmitting on certain specific bands.”

Members of the Wythall Radio Club tried out network radio after the talk, using the free Zello app. 

“As we go further into the 21st Century,” says Chris, “I think we will see the lines between ‘naturally propagated’ signals and ‘artificially propagated’ signals blurring further.”

Read more at Chris’s blog and on Duarte, CT1EIZ’s, web-site.

Guides on the Air!

March 02, 2018 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club

There was a fun evening on the air when Wythall Radio Club hosted a visit by Girlguides from the 132nd Birmingham Senior Section.  

Sophie, Yasmin, Gemma, Naomi and Lara, with their Girlguide leader Liz, hunted satellites using a Yaesu FT-857 Radio and satellite tracking software

They used Morse Code (CW) and digital communications (RTTY) to talk to each other via FLDigi, and saw how far the Club station’s short-wave signals could reach by using the Reverse Beacon Network

WebSDR illustrated the connections between computing, physics and amateur radio.

Lee, G0MTN, who hosted the evening with Anita, 2E0DUO and Peter M5DUO, fired up our 2 meter rig and the Guides passed greetings messages to Chris, G3YHF. 

“They were very confident on the mic,” commented Chris, “and even used the phonetic alphabet to spell their names.”

“Thanks for a brilliant evening.” said Liz, the Guide leader, after the event.  

We hope to continue our co-operation…. but next we have some Scouts visiting us!  Watch this space.

Latest Wythall Radio Club Newsletter out now

March 01, 2018 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

Wythall Radio Club Newsletter Editor Chris G0EYO has informed us that the March edition of the Club Newsletter is out now.

Click here to see a copy or follow any of the newsletter links on the left sidebar of this site for more information.

We hope you enjoy your latest read!

Life on the Other Side

February 27, 2018 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club

Steve G0TAN with liquid friend!

The recent visit to Wythall Radio Club from Steve Venner of Martin Lynch & Sons was a great success.

Over 30 club members turned out last Friday night to welcome Steve, who in return, gave us a fascinating insight into life on the other side of the counter.

John G3VRF managed to get a few snaps for us to share with you, so here they are! As you can see, we had a bit of fun with Icom’s new SDR radio, the IC-7610.

We hope you enjoy them.

Network Radios – The Next Big Thing?

February 23, 2018 By: Chris G7DDN Category: Club, Fun, News

Scary Radios? Find out on Tuesday!

Another fascinating talk is in store for you at Wythall Radio Club this coming Tuesday.

Chris G7DDN is giving a presentation entitled “Network Radios – The Next Big Thing?”

There has been a buzz in recent months in certain parts of the Ham community about these devices. Many have not even heard of them or understand what they do.

Chris will be trying to take the lid off the can of worms that is Network Radios – and in so doing he tells us he has found some real challenges they pose to the very nature of the hobby.

According to Chris, “It will be a talk that will, in turns, enthuse, provoke, annoy and fascinate you – and it will challenge what it means to be a Radio Amateur in the 21st Century”

Sounds scary – be there in the Club Shack at Wythall House B47 6LZ this Tuesday 27th Feb at 8.30pm to find out more… Visitors welcome, as always!