July 13, 2015
By: Chris G7DDN
Category: Club, Fun, News
Yesterday saw the annual Wythall Fun Run. And the members of Wythall Radio Club were out in force – not running, you understand, but, as you might expect, providing communications for the event.
Around 16 members handled two-way radio comms for all the race control point marshals and for race control.
Proof that Morse-mad John M6KET knows how to talk on the radio too!
This is the second year we have done this and, as you might expect, we are getting a little better at it. All involved reported that they had had great fun while helping the early morning event to go off as smoothly as possible.
GB3WL, our UHF repeater station, was pressed into service and performed admirably. Roy G0HDF reported finding himself distracted by ladies stripping for action at one checkpoint(!) while John M6KET, who is known for being 100% exclusively a Morse Code man, was actually heard using voice on the air for the first time ever!
Sadly, the weather was a little variable and it was a pity about the torrential downpour part way through the event. But well done to everyone involved, both participants and organisers, and especially the brave lady (wearing 887) who, although she came last, got the biggest cheer of the day!
Here are a few pictures to give you a flavour of the morning’s events – thanks to Anita 2E0DUO, Stuart M0NYP & Chris G0EYO for those…
July 13, 2015
By: Chris G7DDN
Category: Club, News, Training
Wythall Radio Club are pleased to announced yet another training course. This will be starting a classroom-based Advanced License course.
It will take place mostly on Monday evenings, starting on 7th September and culminating with the exam on 7th December.
Spaces are limited to just eight students and we hear that two of the recent Intermediate passes have already signed up! So if you are interested, please contact our Training Co-ordinator Chris G0EYO as soon as possible at g0eyo@blueyonder.co.uk
July 07, 2015
By: Chris G7DDN
Category: Club, News, Training

Al M6KPO, Carl M6ERA, Zaid, Dave M6HPD & John M6EGP with their indicative pass slips last night
It might sound like an Enid Blyton book title, but in actuality, it is the latest headline for the successes of Wythall Radio Club’s Training Department.
Last night, five students from our current Intermediate course took and passed their exams at the Club HQ.
The results will be officially rubber-stamped later this week but nonetheless in anticipation, the members of WRC send our congratulations to Al M6KPO, Carl M6ERA, Dave M6HPD, John M6EGP and Zaid (who has been waiting to pass this exam before applying for his first callsign).
There will be news of their new callsigns soon, so keep checking back to see what they get and to listen out for them on the air.
Our collective thanks go to Training-Coordinator Chris G0EYO and his team of tutors, Roger M0GWM, John G3VRF, Peter G4LWF and Dave G3YXM. Well done, chaps!
July 06, 2015
By: Chris G7DDN
Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News

The Club’s Mobile Mast even put in an appearance!
This weekend, the members of Wythall Radio Club have been enjoying themselves in the grand outdoors.
National VHF Field Day is a 24 hour radio contest and though we don’t take the contesting part of it too seriously, we always make sure we celebrate the Saturday night with a barbecue. Regular readers will not be surprised at the emphasis on food!
A great time was had by all, as can be seen from the photos…(thanks to Steven 2E0SDD & Chris G0EYO)
There is even a short video of us getting up to mischief here, thanks to Lee G0MTN’s small camera-toting quadcopter. Looks like it was quite windy for a small drone!
July 01, 2015
By: Chris G7DDN
Category: Club, Fun, News
The July 2015 edition of the Wythall Radio Club Newsletter is now online.
Just click here for the newsletter page and enjoy!
June 25, 2015
By: Chris G7DDN
Category: Club, News, Training
Wythall Radio Club are pleased to announce that we are running another on-line course for those seeking to gain their Foundation Amateur Radio licence. 
The course starts on the 20th July and finishes on the 21st August. This will be followed by a practical workshop on Sunday 23rd August and finally the exam itself on Sunday 6th September.
There are more details on our training page here or, for further information, you can contact Wythall Radio Club’s Training Co-ordinator, Chris G0EYO direct on g0eyo@blueyonder.co.uk
June 12, 2015
By: Chris G7DDN
Category: Club, Fun, News

Temporary wireless direction-finding station on the cliffs of Hunstanton, Norfolk, c.1915
This week at Wythall Radio Club, we are taking a look back in history to the dawn of radio communications.
Although World War I was taking place this time a hundred years ago, such is the pace of technology that it is easy to forget that this was effectively the first conflict fought with radio being used as an element of warfare.
Stories are still coming to light about the role radio played in the “Great War” and this Tuesday, Wythall members will be taking time out to hear more about this fascinating subject.
Elaine Richards G4LFM, editor of the Radio Society of Great Britain’s magazine RadCom has put together a thought-provoking presentation which will be given by Chris G7DDN in the Club Shack this Tuesday. It follows on from the 4 previous historical presentations given last year.
Why not come along? Tuesday 16th June at 20:30 at Wythall House, Silver Street. B47 6LZ. You will be very welcome.
June 06, 2015
By: Chris G7DDN
Category: Club, Fun, News
…as in Martin Lynch’s store in Staines!

Jamie 2E0SDV, David G7IBO, Chris G7DDN, Ian M0IDR, Martin Lynch G4HKS, Phil 2E0WTH, Roger M0GWM, Dave M6HPD & Dave G3YXM outside ML&S’s new store
Here are a few photos of Wythall Radio Club’s fun day out at the grand opening of Martin’s new Hamstore in Surrey.
Eight of us travelled down to the Greater London area today to celebrate with Mr. Lynch.
We were joined by special guests representing the whole of UK Hamdom, including our friends from Practical Wireless in the form of Don Field G3XTT. Also in attendance were representatives from Yaesu UK, Icom UK and Kenwood UK.
The RSGB were also a large presence and it was especially good to see its General Secretary and friend of the club, Graham Coomber G0NBI and his wife, Von.
As you can see from the photos, a great day out was had by all. Rumour has it that a few people bought some goodies too, but it would be rude to speculate on who got what!
June 02, 2015
By: Chris G7DDN
Category: Club, Fun, News
Another day trip for Wythall Radio Club members beckons this weekend.
Recently, friend of the Club Martin Lynch G4HKS, moved his large Hamstore to new premises near to Heathrow Airport. 
We thought at first it was so he could go away to exotic holiday destinations more quickly(!) but apparently it is more to do with having extra space available for his successful Amateur Radio business.
This Saturday sees the official launch of the new shop with a typical Lynchie party – now when there are free Hot Dogs and Burgers around, you can bet Wythall folk want to be involved! Click on the poster (right) for more information.
So it is that a number of us will be spending some of our free time (and spare cash, no doubt) on a trip to London to visit Martin and his friendly staff this Saturday.
We can’t wait!
May 30, 2015
By: Chris G7DDN
Category: Club, Contest, Fun, News
At Wythall Radio Club, we are fortunate to have in our possession a rather excellent 100ft tall Mobile Versatower.
Thanks to a good turnout of club members this morning, we were able to give it a good check over and clean-up before its use on the forthcoming VHF field day on July 4th & 5th.
After a few years of non-use, we were delighted to find no major problems like stuck brakes or flat tyres and the winches both worked OK.
Grease, oil, and WD40 were liberally applied to various parts before the whole thing was trundled across Wythall Park for a blast with a power washer.
It’s now no longer quite as green as it was(!) and we should be able to put out a nice big signal with our aerials high up this field day.
We would like to say thanks to all club members who turned up to help and to Phil 2E0WTH who bullied us into doing it!