wythall radio club

having fun with RF

The Great Stoke Prior Steam Rally: Spreading the word about Amateur Radio

September 25, 2024 By: john daws Category: Club, Fun, News

                     Got to keep dry!!

Sometimes it just seems that the elements only need a whiff of our  ‘Easy-Ups’ to unleash their worst weather!

So it came to pass that under the approving gaze of the twin masts at Droitwich the team survived and indeed enjoyed a very productive  weekend of radio on CW, SSB. Satellite and Digital at this years Stoke Prior Steam Rally

Read on for first hand accounts from esteemed team leader Neil, G1TCZ and Ian M0LQY.

This happy band .. Neil, Gary, Phil, Ian and John

NEIL G1TZC writes:

For me, as always, the challenge is to be part of the team but stay as self-contained as possible. For satellite communication the site was as perfect as it gets. Plenty of south sky, short feeders and ground that you could get pegs in to easily.

Neil gets the operation station ready to go

On arriving on Saturday morning to set up the equipment I realised I had forgotten the second tablet and a feeder. Most of the station was set up and then a quick dash back home to grab the missing items was done. Although wet, there were a steady stream of people interested in what part old TV dishes had in our hobby. Explaining that a small amount of modification was required but they were basically still TV dishes seemed to be helpful for the level that people wanted to know about.

Most found it interesting that we were bouncing signals off a satellite at 25000 miles with a frequency used for wi fi. How come I have such a struggle getting wi fi from one side of my house to the other and you can do this, is often a question.

Also visiting amateurs from other clubs were welcomed to the stand, including a member of the Aberdeen Radio Club. For me, spreading the word about our hobby is almost as enjoyable as the operations side.

Ian and Darren swap a yarn or two. Darren and Carol are regulars at this event

As far as operation was concerned, around 35 contacts were made via satellite using SSB and FT8. As supportive of our events as ever was Garry, ZD7GWM, on St Helena with a rag chew during a quiet and rainy period. EU6DZ, was a very low signal with us but after a few attempts we managed to confirm the contact, sending a 4/5 report. Kadri, TA1D, often calls in to our activities from Antalya and did not disappoint. Also notable on FT8 was BG9HKP.

IAN M0LQY writes

On Friday evening with cars full to overflowing an intrepid group of WRC members set off to continue a ‘summer’ program of event attendance helping to promote amateur radio.

The event chosen this time was the traction steam rally nr. Bromsgrove. This rally in fact has much more than just the mighty steam traction engines with vintage cars, military vehicles, miniature working models and a steam organ all on display.

Ian M0LQY in digital mode

Using a selection of wire and vertical antennas and satellite equipment we made contacts throughout Europe and the UK. For the first time we utilized a recently donated vertical multiband antenna, this performed extremely well and was a definite success. Sustained by tasty bacon sandwiches and hot drinks (Thanks Phil) we bravely battled the worst of this year’s British weather.

Accompanied by a background of steam whistles, organ music and the adjacent mainline railway our hardy group cheerfully demonstrated the fun to be had by Amateur Radio. Clearly global warming having  took the day off tried its best to derail us off but was never likely to win. Great fun was had by all with many laughs and much interest.  People came to our stand to ask questions and hear us operating and of course shelter from the many downpours.

Saturday morning provided the best of the weather and we entertained lots of interested visitors. We were even visited by a fellow Radio Ham all the way from Aberdeen.  A couple of our group even stayed overnight preferring the elements to a warm comfortable bed.  Now there is commitment or maybe madness: the jury is out!!   (Commitment! Ed)

Anyway a great weekend of fun and enjoyment ending in dampness. The hope is that next year (September 20th-21st 2025 ) we get some better weather and we can begin again and WRC can continue with having fun with RF……

The tea and bacon butter maker..(mischievous smile.. what went into those sandwiches and who was lucky enough to get one?)

JOHN M6KET writes

….Yes we welcomed visitors from as far afield as Aberdeen George MM0TGG and old friend and current member Darren GW7HOC (last seen on a Sinclair C5!!) and wife Carol…Dave from the Wirral who helped me set up an instant sked with Bill G4YWD and many folk who just stopped by to chat including the Original Chairman of Bromsgrove Radio Club and his wife.

Chris’ CW table was visited and worked but on this damp occasion no certificates were awarded!!

We were pleased to see Gary G5RGS. He had made the effort to come down from Sutton Coldfield and the extra vehicle made all the difference in getting the three Easy- Ups down and back to Wythall.