wythall radio club

having fun with RF

Tiny and huge antennas at Wythall!

June 20, 2024 By: Chris G3YHF Category: Club, Fun, News

Visitors welcome to join members next Tuesday 25th 8pm – 9pm at Wythall House ……

…. to build a 70cm tape measure antenna from the kits made up by Neil G1TZC and Debra, and use it to find a hidden transmitter in Wythall Park.

You don’t need to have an amateur radio licence.
All you need to bring is:
1. a hand held radio covering the 70cms amateur radio band
(if you don’t have one, you’re welcome to come along anyway and join-up with one of our members who will have one)
2. a small cross-head screwdriver
3. an adapter for your handheld SMA antenna socket so you can connect it to the PL259 on the antenna coax.
If the antenna socket on your handheld has a hole in the middle, you need a MALE SMA to SO239 adapter   
If it has a pin in the middle, you need a FEMALE SMA to SO239 adapter
Both widely available
Any questions?  Please e-mail us at   wythallradio@gmail.com
Come along for a fun evening!!

Meantime, our Club has said “Farewell” to our extending, 100 feet tall trailer mast.
The tower was used for amateur radio competitions and special event stations.  We festooned it with HF and VHF/UHF beams.
But now we’ve invested in smaller telescopic masts for our portable and special event station activities.
So our trailer tower has gone off to a new owner – thanks to the assistance of club members Lee G0MTN, Mike G4VPD and Ian M0LQY.
Here are some photos of it in use…  and leaving!