Walter Chance M0GRO (1949-2014) SK

Walter was a lover of the Club’s outdoor activities and enjoyed nothing better than a beer on VHF Field Day!
It was with great sadness that the club heard the news in March 2014 that Walter M0GRO has passed away suddenly at home aged 65 years. Walter was a confirmed bachelor having spent many years looking after his mother before she died some 10 years ago.
He joined Wythall Radio Club in 2008 to take his foundation licence via our training courses. He went on to pass both his Intermediate and Advanced the following year.
Walter had a great love of things mechanical, including classic cars and motorbikes. It is believe he had three motor cycles at his home when he passed away; a Kawasaki, a Matchless and a Triumph, one of which was in his back room in bits. He was also supposedly working on repairing a classic Hillman at the same time!
Walter, or “Wal” as his family knew him, was born in Yardley not far from the Hobs Moat and worked in the electrical and building trades as well as stints as a driver, when he wasn’t caring for his mother. He had a love of camping and touring and would often take himself off for days at a time touring around the country on a motor bike or in his car and was reported to have climbed both Snowden and Ben Nevis in his time. He also had an allotment which is probably why he chose the callsign M0GRO, but being an intensely private and quiet person never told anyone about the connection. He was keen brewer of his own ale. Although an irregular visitor to our club he was much liked and often took part in our outdoor activities and contests. We named the 2014 Easter Contest in his memory and produced two trophies in his name.
Although a quiet and private man, he was also a thinker and a little bit of a philosopher. Quite a number of club members turned out for Walter’s funeral and the wake afterward was held in Wythall Community Club. The family made a generous gesture, donating Walter’s radio equipment to the club to support club funds and activities.
RIP dear friend, your friends at WRC will miss you.
Chris G0EYO