Wythall Rally is coming – and so are Radioworld

Radioworld’s Dave will sell you that TS-990s that you’re dreaming of at this year’s Wythall Rally!
At this time of year, the thoughts of all Wythall members turn to our annual rally. And this year’s event is at a new venue – our home, Wythall House, Silver Street B47 6LZ.
We are now in the midst of a lot of planning to make the event a success. We have 3 halls lined up for visitors this year and we hope to have a small lecture programme too.
Roger G4ROJ will also be doing a live Kite antenna display on the fields and our friends at Radioworld will again be the top attraction amongst our many traders & friends.
Dave Hayward & his wife Annette from Radioworld are among Wythall Members’ favourite traders for our Radio Rally and have been coming along for more years now that some of us care to remember!
It’s a good idea to visit their site here now and start thinking about pre-orders for the big day. Dave always gives excellent deals for attendees of the rally and there’s no postage charges to help keep the prices low.
Meantime, we will see you on Sunday 8th March at Wythall House – remember the new venue! It’s less than 4 weeks away now…