wythall radio club

having fun with RF

Xmas Social a great success

December 10, 2011 By: admin Category: Club

After a break last year, Wythall Radio Club held its Xmas Social at Wythall House on Friday December 9th. As in previous years this was a great success with about 35 members and their family enjoying an American Supper together with some live music from Chris G7DDN plus skittles organised by Colin G6ZDQ. The whole event was put together very professionally by Stu 2E0NYC who had the added pleasure of also having heard that day that he was now M0NYP.

Lee G0MTN on balloon, Peter G4LWF and Tony G1PKG on balloons, Chris G7DDN on piano

The evening saw a super raffle of prizes generously donated by members as well as the famous stand up bingo, won this time by Walter M0GRO. The skittle winners were Roger and Liz (friends of Colin G6ZDQ and Janett), after a play off between them and Peter G4LWF and Mo.  The food was of a very high standard with competing (or is that complementary) curries from Barry M0DGQ and Steve 2E0SDD. One final challenge was sliding a £1 coin towards a 1l bottle of whiskey, the one nearest being the winner, who was Roger.